The Catalyst

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It started at a young age. An unrealistic dream of being at the top. The possibility of having a quirk, any sort of power was taken away by the chances of genetics. He tried so hard. He was ridiculed, bullied, told to die because he had nothing, but a will to help people. He got called "Deku" because he was seen as useless. Izuku Midoriya worked harder than anyone in his school, possibly even in the country to be a hero. He saw the hypocrisy of the people around him, the supposed future "heroes" that barely tried.

When he was young, he tried to stop his friend/bully, Bakugou, from bullying another kid who couldn't defend himself. He struggled to walk, but he kept hurting him. Izuku tried to defend the boy, but all he was met with was verbal and physical degrading from Bakugou and two other students. "Stupid Deku, trying to play hero again without a quirk." Those words kept playing in his head growing up. He took the beatings of being weak, but he never did anything about it. Midoriya kept on studying heroes, while not even caring about his physical strength.

A couple of years later he decided to go to the park one day. When he was walking, he encountered an angry crab villain in his underwear, that some people were running away from. 

When the villain walked up the Midoriya he saw the blank stare the boy was giving him and asked, "You're not running away from me? Do you have a death wish or something kid? Oh let me guess, you're some hotshot kid who thinks your way too good to ...

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When the villain walked up the Midoriya he saw the blank stare the boy was giving him and asked, "You're not running away from me? Do you have a death wish or something kid? Oh let me guess, you're some hotshot kid who thinks your way too good to even go to school, and you're sick of all your classes draining the energy out of you?"

Izuku replies, "I'm not a hotshot. I'm not even close to that. School isn't even that hard for me, it's just my classmates. I don't have a quirk and all they do is tell me that I'm useless and that I should die. I just came from school where when I tried to leave, one of them closed the door and just played monkey in the middle with my backpack, where if I got too close to one of them they would use their quirks on me. In the end they just threw it out the window and told me I should just jump out after it. Honestly, I couldn't care less about anything, so I'm not in the mood to run from you."

Izuku's usual green eyes were empty, and drained while staring at the crab villain's psychotic eyes. "You've got lifeless eyes just like me!" the villain said laughing. "From one set of lifeless eyes to another, I'll let you go. I got other prey to catch, some brat with a big chin. When I see him I'm going to rip his arms off!" he says walking off with an ugly laugh.

When Izuku got to the park, he saw a kid playing with a ball which caught his eye. "A...a big chinned brat!"

He thought to himself, "If that crab sees him he's dead!" He asks the kid if he saw a crab mutant around, to which he says that he drew nipples on him with his marker

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He thought to himself, "If that crab sees him he's dead!" He asks the kid if he saw a crab mutant around, to which he says that he drew nipples on him with his marker. Izuku's mind starts racing, thinking of ways to save this kid, but a thought about him just walking away appears. He shakes his head. He doesn't want to stoop down to the level of his classmates.

As he stood there thinking, he heard the voice of the villain saying, "I found you!" He strikes at the kid with his claw, and Izuku immediately reacts by tackling the kid out-of-the-way. "KID RUN, HE'S AFTER YOU" Izuku urges the kid, "DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME, JUST GO" The big chinned brat says, "But my ball" as the crab villain steps on it. Izuku tries to persuade the villain to let the kid go, as what he did was a harmless prank. The crab says that anyone who makes fun of his appearance will pay the price, and that the kid drew the nipples on his with "PERMANENT MARKER."

The villain raises his claw to Izuku's head and says, "Get in my way, and I'll make sure you'll never go to your stupid school again!" Izuku holds his ground and says, "There's no way I'm going to let you kill this kid." Just as he finishes his sentence, the villain hits him with his claw, which sends him flying into a pile of garbage. "Die" the villain says as he raises his claw to strike at the kid.

A rock then gets thrown at the villain's face as Izuku stands there, not willing to give up on the kid. As Izuku takes off his uniform coat, he says "When I was a kid I wanted to be a hero. One that can save people from villains like you. I'm going to be one, who saves the lives of those who need it with a smile on my face, and with only a single punch. BRING IT ON"

The villain repeatedly hits him around with just a single claw, where the kid runs off. The villain kept calling him pathetic, weak, and that he isn't as strong as the mutant is, just like Bakugou. "I can't even tell the difference between you and him right now" Izuku laughs to himself and he struggles to pick himself back up. The villain yells "DIE" as he strikes the ground where Izuku was, but he jumps on the villain's arm. By using his coat, he ties the sleeve around the crab's eye stalk and jumps behind him. "If you move, I'll pull your eye out," Izuku threatens. 

Mirko shouts, "Nice job kid!" as she jumps into the scene and kicks the crab villain in the face. She restrains the villain and says "Some kid with a big chin told me that there was a villain here, but it seemed like you already got it handled." 

Izuku is breathing heavily and is in shock that he actually saved someone

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Izuku is breathing heavily and is in shock that he actually saved someone. He thanks Mirko, grabs his coat and runs home. 

Something sparked within Midoriya during his run home, it was as if he reached a conclusion that he was hiding from himself. "Stupid Deku, trying to play hero again without a quirk." "Hah.. if only you saw me today Bakugou. You're not a real hero, you're just as bad as that villain. If I can't be a hero without a quirk, then I'll just have to get stronger. I. Am. Not. Deku."

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