Chapter 1

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I was carrying some book my boss told me to bring to the office. As I walking pass by some security guards I saw Hoshino.

"Did something happen?" I ask
"No, Not really" he answered and walk pass me.
I knew something was happening but It doesn't matter to me. I walk away with the book in my hand and enter the office. I place the book in the shelf hearing porn sounds from one of my coworker. I sigh and sat down at my office and got a call.

I pick it up and answer "Hello, Modern Crime Force. Hmm? Oh" I ended the call and told my boss that the the security Department are short on manpower, so they like couple of us as backup classic car festival in Ginza.

He look at me and then his screen and told me he trust me.

"I'll go, then one more person..." I say as I look around and no one seem to be interest.
"Anyway so sudden, talking as they please... We ain't that bored." One of my coworker said
I sigh and saw he was writing down horse racing paper...

"We are that boring" I thought and look around
"Oh no. I found a website I can't overlook and--"
I interrupt his lying, "I hear that Motoyama from security have been deployed as well" I say and he stop typing.
"Sacchan is? Let's go, Kato!" He sightly yelled and stand up. I once sigh and stand up and me and Kamei walk out. "Well, we'll be back around 1700." I say and close the door.

Me and Kamei walk outside and enter my car. I drive to the location and it got quiet until he started rambling about stuff.
"I heard the first investigation Division guys drink at a pretty nice place in this area. Oh, that remind me, you used to be in first Division--" Kamei say and I stopped the car.

"Hearing that word pissed me off" I thought and saw him almost hitting his head, "Sorry."
"What's that? Look amazing." Kamei say and there was a black car.
"It's not a car that with someone with a respectable job would ride" I say and the stop light turn green. The car drive pass us and I keep focusing ahead. Kamei started rambling again and we arrive to the location. Me and Kamei open the door and walk to the classic car festival.

"Quite the scene we've got here" I say and saw car that seem boring
"Apparently the prince of Abura Emirates will be participating. I heard he's a speed demon, scooping up cars left to right with his oil money" Kamei say
"Anyways, aren't there too many?" I answers looking at the boring cars.
"Where is Motoyama? Man, we're getting worked to the bone with this cheap pay, and they got to ride cars like this." Kamei say
"Money isn't anything. We're doing this for justice" I say
"You're so stubborn. Isn't that the reason they booted you from first Division?" Kamei say
"What was that?" I yelled at him and look at him
"Huh? Those were the first Division guys" Kamei say

I told Kamei to go by the first Division and saw Hoshino.
"Hoshino! You got a case?" I ask
"It got nothing with you" Hoshino say like no big deal
"What do you mean?" I answered
"We're saying this is for First Division and you're not authorized personnel. Go look for some lost kids" Hoshino answered
Then I grab his mic and put it by my ear.
"A male suspected of being a bomber targeting the prince have been located. Target is fleeting, currently in Ginza district 1, heading towards Tokyo station. I repeat, a man being suspect of being a bomber targeting the prince have been located"

My eyes widen, "what the hell is going on?" I say and Hoshino grab the mic and yell, "I said, this has nothing to do with you anymore!" Hoshino yell
"Suspect under custody! I repeat, suspect under custody!"

"If there was advance of crime, why didn't you make them cancel the event?" I yelled
"Of course we suggested they cancel it. But there interference from the Kantei. They insisted the prince who'll be the next king, come to Japan at this time" Hoshino answered
"That's a completely different matter. Human lives are at stake!" I yelled
"You haven't changed a bit. You don't need a brandish such naive Justice now that they've kicked you out of First Division. As long as the police office, we have to be on good terms with the government" Hoshino smile

I was pissed out more then anything and hear something.
"The explosion seems to still be in the car that the suspect had been using. The car is a white van, with fukunishi cleaning on the side. I repeat, the explosion still seem to be still in the car that the suspect have been using. The car is a white van, with fukunishi cleaning on the side."
I turn around and saw a white van with the sign Fukunishi cleaning.
"That it!" I yelled
I saw two people coming out of the store and then she shot Kamei with a PAING BULLET?
"What the fuck?" I thought and then sacchan then look at Kamei.
"Oh geez. He not even dead" I thought
I look at my clock and we only had Twenty-five more minutes . Then I heard a loud bamn coming sounds from the other side.

I ran over there and saw a black car.
"What the fuck is that person doing?" I thought
"That might be the prince?" Kamei say
I saw a mother and a son walking and then THEY FELL?!


I look over as the mother protect her son. I ran over and put my hand up, "STOP!" I yelled and the black car swish away and hit a pole.
I ran by the car and yell.
"Hey you! What the hell were you thinking?" I yell as smoke come out. "What the hell is this person thinking they can smoke almost hitting a mother and a son?!" I thought.
"Kambe Daisuke" he answered and got off the damn motherfucking car and show me his bag.
"As today, I've been appointed as inspector of the metropolitan police detective division" he answered and I look at him with a glares, "inspector, you said? Hey, give me more detail later on" I answered and he turn around and saw a car with blue and white.

He get inside the car and turn the car on. He drive off as I get in just in time and he drove off.

"Who the hell is this guy?" I thought
The man call "Kambe Daisuke" was speaking some weird shi*, "Who the hell are you speaking?" I yelled
"My butler"
"He is that fucking RICH? He may be good looking but he an fucking asshole" I thought and he say something about ten more minutes.
"What the hell is happening? More like, what happened to the other police cars?" I say and arrive at Kachidoki Bridge.

I checked my watch and eyes widen, "we won't make it in time. We have to evacuate the residents in the area." I say.

He drove to the bridge and as the white van drove back, he drove faster and move the car to the other side, "It's going to blow!? What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled, "Isn't it obvious? I'm dropping it into the river" He answered with a grin.

I see a women struggle for her life and turn my head to look at Kambe Daisuke and he was smirking. I look at my watch and stand up and ran over to the van and open the door.
"MOVE!" I yelled and stir the wheel and saw the end of the bridge.
"Hurry up and jump out!" I yelled and she nodded and unplug the seat belt in open the door and jump off.

The van fell off and I hang to the cliff. Kambe Daisuke got off the car and walk towards me and I thought he was going to give me a hand. But no. He smirked at me, waiting for me to took my hand off the cliff. I struggle and took my hand off and fell down but luckily I didn't get much damage and swim to the shore.

I stand up and wet. I sigh and look at the man who was gone. "Whoever was the dick head. I will kill him?!!" I thought and call my boss that I was going to take a break.

→ 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝘿𝙖𝙮

"Good morning, chef" I say and open the door. I walk to my office and Kamei was about to tell me something and there he was.


"I'm so glad you came!" The chef say waving his hand
and walk towards Daisuke. " This is kambe daisuki. He will be join our ranks as of today. He's from the kambe family, and went through special training in England" the chef say
"Don't fuc*ing tell me. I'm going work for this asshole?" I thought.
After a few minutes, he went to smoke and I followed him.
"Hey! What the hell is that?" I yelled
"What?" He answered
"That's not the way the cops handles things! You're no superhero. Infinite life would not be enough" I yelled and there was a long silence until he turn to me.

"I see. So, how much?" He answered
"Don't fu*king tell me that MONEY is going to save this?" I thought and walk towards him.
"You bastard!" I yelled

The Author Turn

(ノ゚0゚)ノ→ Yoo! I hope you enjoy this

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