~Chapter One~

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*a/n: for those of you who didn't have a childhood that's Pocahontas.*


"Poooocccaaaahhhhooonnnttttaaasss," Nokoma says in the annoying, whiney voice she knows I hate. Being best friends since a young age has its pros and cons. Pro: they know everything about you. Example: how to cheer you up when you're sad. Con: they know everything about you. Example: how to push your buttons. I rub my temples and close my eyes. I say in a voice that is barely restrained from a snap, "What, Nakoma?"

I can practically hear the satisfied smile in her voice when she says, "Your dad wants to talk to you in his office."

I get up from my desk without a word and head to my dad's office. It must be important if he has to get Nakoma to retrieve me instead of just coming to me himself. We live in a mansion that's full of waaaaiiiiitttt foooorrrr iiiittttt....werewolves. My dad is the pack leader, but because we are also a Native American tribe he's not only Alpha but Chief as well. How fan-fricken-tastic is that? He tries to make time for me, but it's hard and I get that and I'm appreciative of every second I get with him.

When I walk into his office I have a big smile on my face which slightly falters when I see that there's someone else in the room with him. I eye him as I walk in further and close the door. I shift my gaze to my father and raise a questioning eyebrow at him. He just sits back in his chair with a poop-eating grin on his face. Well, now I'm worried. He says, "Come sit Pocahontas."

Dad gestures towards a seat in front of his desk next to the strange man that's seated in the other one. I look him over and take everything in. Whoever he is, he's handsome. He has long hair that reaches the middle of his shoulder blades, honey eyes, and a strong jawline. He has broad shoulders too but that's all I can see with him sitting. All in all, I was getting a total pre-werewolf Jacob Black vibe from him. Except where Jake was a jokester and charming this dude is quiet and serious with a permanent frown.

Once I finish looking him over I turn back to my dad and say, "Soo..what's up?"

The stupid jerk I call a father just widens his poop-eating grin and I'm pretty sure he muttered: "oh this is gonna be good". The fudge? He finally leans forward and puts his elbows on his desk and rests his chin on his hands and says, "Pocahontas I'd like you to meet Kocoum. He's from the Stone Lake Tribe and pack. He's their alpha's son."

I glance at this so-called "Kocoum" and say, "Nice to meet you."

"Same goes." Chills run down my back at his deep and gravelly voice. Sexy. I look back at my dad and ask, "So, uh, Dad, why is he here?"

The poop-eating grin is back. Cue the worry. "He'll be staying with us for a while."

What? That's it? Are you kidding me? That stupid poop-eating grin for that? "Ok?"

I swear I think his face is gonna break because his smile got wider. If he didn't turn into a mother-fricking wolf I would think he's the Cheshire cat or something. Seriously creepy. He turns to Kocoum, who looks a little disturbed by my probably-in-need-of-help father's face, and says, "Will you just wait outside for a sec?"

Kocoum simply nods his head and gets up to leave. I'm too busy staring at my deranged father to notice how big Kocoum is. When the door to the office clicks shut my dad faces me once more and simply says, "That guy wants to marry you."

"Oh cool, I thought you were gonna say something li- wait, marriage?"

"Yep, marriage."

There's a long pause and then I jump up and shout, "ARE YOU CRAZY?! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM AND YOU EXPECT ME TO MARRY HIM?!"

He rolls his eyes at me. I repeat the man who just told me some stranger wants to marry me had the balls to roll his eyes at me. "Pocahontas, sit down." I reluctantly do so and he continues, "Yes, I expect you to marry him because this is an alliance marriage. You don't have to. There won't be any repercussions if you don't, but it would benefit our pack and his pack if we were united by something as strong as a marriage. I understand that you don't know him, that's why he's going to be staying here. He requested that before you give your answer you get to know him first, as it is not a necessity that you are married right away. He wants to make sure you know what you'll be getting into if you marry him."

After all of that, I can only mutter a single word, "Oh."

He smiles and says, "That's all. If you wouldn't mind I'd appreciate it if you'd show him to his room."

"Yeah ok." I get up and walk to the door, but before I open it my dad's voice stops me. "Remember, Pocahontas, you don't have to say yes."

I nod and then open the door and walk out. We both know it wasn't necessary for him to say that. As soon as he said it would benefit our pack I knew I would say yes and so did he. I look at Kocoum who is standing there awkwardly. Let me just mention that when I say that this man is hot I mean he is h-o-t. He has his hands in the pockets of his dark jeans and a fitted white undershirt on under a blue and black plaid flannel shirt. I'm honestly surprised I'm not drooling at this point. He has to be at least six-four so basically, he towers over me. Gosh, golly darn. Dang, dang, dang, dang.

He opens his mouth to show perfectly straight and white teeth and I'm so captured by his perfection that I don't catch what comes out of his perfect lips. "Pocahontas?"

"So perf- wait, huh?"

His lips slightly turned up at the corner and he ducks his head a little to cover it up. He clears his throat and says, "Um, will you take me to my room?"

Let me tell you, the blush that covered my face that second appeared so fast I might have been born with it. Oh my gosh. So embarrassing. I quickly look down and turn around and say, "Yeah, sorry. This way."

Guys, he chuckled and I nearly died. It's so sexy. We walk to his room in silence and when we arrive we stop and awkwardly stand there. Finally, he says, "Thanks."

"No problem."

"See you at dinner then?"

"Yeah, see you then."

I walk away and he walks into his room. I suddenly found myself very impatient for dinner to come.

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