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"arent you eating?"

haechan who just finished his second bowl of ramen looked straight at the pale seulbyul. he sighed, tapping the table so that he could get her attention.

thankfully, she looked up at him. haechan raised his eyebrows, pointing at her meal. "arent you eating?"

"uh... no, im not hungry"

"great, give me that"

putting his empty bowls away, he reached out and grabbed seulbyul's meals, his lips curved a happy and exciting smile. seulbyul just look at him, staring at the guy who was enjoying the meal happily.

"eating good?" she asked in a low tone, but haechan still could hear her. he nodded, and then gave her a smile.

"i kinda have the appetite since you stopped crying, and calming you down requires a lot of energy, im hungry now" haechan explained while chewing his food. he didnt even realized that his words made seulbyul looked at him in annoyance.

"youre mocking me"

"no! i was just saying about requiring energy, i didnt talk about wasting energy"

"i shouldnt have stopped when you call out" seulbyul rolled her eyes making haechan giggled. "yes, as if you can"

"you're challenging me?"

"i dont make challenges with a cry baby" haechan replied simply, took the last bite of his meal pushed his bowl away. sipping his drink, he looked at the girl infront of him.

she looked down, playing with her fingers. she was supposed to fight back his words,  but looking at her shutting her mouth and look down, he chuckled akwardly.

"ha..ha.. are you mad?"

"no one has ever called me a cry baby before" seulbyul said, still playing with her own fingers. it was true. being friends with the others, she was one of the strongest. she didnt cry easily, she didnt take criticism without fighting back with another criticism. she was a strong girl.

not until seoyeon died in the hands of an unknown. that night, was the first time her friends witnessing her crying publicly.

and from that day, she cried easily. she became a cry baby, she knew that her friends noticed that, but they didnt want to talk about it. because they knew, she totally changed after seoyeon's death. she kept relying on people, she kept asking for help, maybe thats why jaemin and renjun didnt want her to go to work by car anyway. now she know.

her thoughts died when haechan snapped his fingers infront of her eyes. he looked at her, totally kunfused before he leaned back to his seat again.

"you seem like zoning out"

"sorry, just thinking"


"life" she replied simply, watching haechan wiping his mouth with a tissue. haechan just nodded, his gaze glued at her sad eyes.

she was still sad about something that he didnt even know.

he stood up, putting some money on the table as he walked towards seulbyul,

and took her hand.


"lets take a walk. you need some air" haechan said, eyes focusing on the scenery infront of him. seulbyul just followed him, the only difference was her eyes were focusing at her hand. her hand who haechan held tightly. despite that being hugged by that guy earlier, she didnt expect that he loved skinship a lot. they just met, well, not even a month knowing each other.

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