Now You See Me Now You Don't - Malum

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Now You See Me Now You Don't

or the one where Michael fakes his death, only to show up on Calum doors years later.

Trigger warning, suicide mention, self harm mention.


The morning started normal, I got out of bed and showered. After I showered I jumped out of the shower and made myself some breakfast. A knock on the door startled me, and I put down the toast I was currently eating.

I jumped off of the stool and opened the door, to be faced by Michael.

You see, if this were a few years ago, this would be normal. I would gladly invite him in, plan to do something with him but you see.

Two years ago Michael committed suicide.

Michael was my best friend, not just that Michael was my boyfriend. To see after two years of anti-depressants, suicide attempts and self-harm, he was on my doorstep. Alive and healthy.

I slammed the door in his face, confused as to what I saw only to hear him saying, "Calum. I know. I know, but you need to hear me out."

I opened the door, tears streaming down my face. I wanted to be mad at him, I wanted so badly to be mad. He was meant to be dead, he hung himself, he was meant to die.

But at the same time I couldn't be mad, I had missed him so much, and he was here. "Get inside and fucking explain." I groaned, pulling him inside, slamming the door behind him.

I sat down on the couch and waited for Michael to be seated too, "Okay. I need to explain Cal."

"Wait, first." I sighed, pulling Michael into a long and needed kiss. Michael smiled into the kiss and put his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

I pulled away breathlessly, "Now fucking explain." I breathed.

"Okay, so basically. You know how your mum hated how we were dating?" He asked me, to which I nodded.

"Basically, she said if I didn't break up with you she'd stop paying for you to go to school. So of course I told her I'd just pay for you to go, but I knew that you'd never ever let me do that. Plus you love your mum more than anything, and I know that. But I couldn't break up with you, and I told her that. So she helped me plan my death."

"So if I'm right, you fake killed yourself. Because I wouldn't fucking go to school?" I spat angrily, I would rather miss out on school any day than have Michael gone for two years.

"Yeah, I know, it was a stupid decision, but we were sixteen! You had your whole life ahead of you, and I know school was stupid and you'd probably rather not go. But I couldn't let you miss out on that."

I began laughing, shaking my head. "Funny thing is I dropped out of school because you were gone."

"The irony." Michael groaned, resting his head in his hands.

"I got so depressed, school became impossible for me. I had to go to a special school for people with mental disorders."

"Calum, I'm so fucking sorry. I regretted it immediately, I'm sorry I left you and Luke and Ashton. It was so fucking dumb, but I love you. And I hope you still love me."

I shook my head, "How could I ever not love you Michael? You've always been the only one for me. There was never anybody else I wanted to be with."

Michael opened his arms, waiting for me to cuddle with him. I smiled, rolling my eyes as I moved in to cuddle Michael. He lay down on the coach and moved his arms down to my waist.

"I missed you so much Michael, so much." Tears filled my eyes, I knew I should be mad at him. He had caused so much pain, but I didn't. I fucking loved him, I had always loved him and always would.

"By the way, I stopped off at Luke and Ashton's house before coming here. I was scared to see you, I thought you'd yell at me. That's what Ashton did, he yelled but not as much as Ashton's mum."

"Did your parents know you were alive?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. I remember going to Michael's funeral with his parents. They never let me see his body as they thought it would hurt me too much.

"Yeah, they were the ones who helped with everything. At first they yelled at me and told me I was an idiot for even wanting to do that, but they knew how much I loved you. They got me home schooling."

"This whole time you were alive, while I was crying because my boyfriend hated me enough to kill himself."

"Calum, baby no. If it makes you feel any better this is the first time I left my house in two years."

"'S what you get for being an idiot, also, you get to explain this to all of our friends, I'm not doing it." I shrugged, kissing his cheek softly.

I shut my eyes, listening to Michael talk about the past two years. He pulled me into a sudden and heated kiss, pulling away to say. "I've missed your lips so much baby." He whispered, pressing a kiss to my neck.

That day was the Michael and I officially got back together I forgot everything that had happened and focused on Michael. I was bad at my mum, but I didn't care because I had Michael back. And that was all that mattered.

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