i know how i feel

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A month had passed since Mike and El's first night spent cuddled up together in his bed and many nights just like that followed. It seemed that neither wanted to sleep without the other beside them, now that they knew what it felt like.

It was awfully convenient to have that extra time together too, since they had both become even busier with studying for midterms and finishing up all their assignments. Even though they were sleeping during most of that time, it was still such an amazing feeling to end their days with one another, then begin them the exact same way. It was perfect really, just as their relationship had come to be.

As the days passed, the two had only grown fonder of one another. El's feelings for Mike had deepened so much that it scared her. She'd never felt this strongly for anyone, in her whole life and because of that, she couldn't help but feel afraid that these feelings of hers were too strong. They haven't been together very long, so she wasn't sure if this was normal or not. She also wasn't sure whether Mike would feel the same or be taken aback by it all if he found out.

What El didn't know though, was that Mike's feelings were just the same, only he wasn't that scared of what had built up inside of him all thanks to her. He'd been wanting to tell El how he felt, but something kept telling him to wait. He didn't want to freak her out with such a big declaration, so he needed it to be just the right time for him to say those words to her. Hopefully, he would know exactly when that time was when the moment came around.

At this moment though, the extent of their secret mutual feelings seemed to be the least of their worries, the same going for the rest of their week due to all the other things that had been going on in their lives. The couple were currently on their way to El's hometown for spring break, both having just completed their last midterm.

All those long weeks of studying and stressing out were now being rewarded with a week off from classes and they couldn't possibly be any happier. Mike had the whole week off of work, as did El, meaning that for the first time in awhile, they were both completely free to be with each other as much as they pleased.

El had already planned to go back home during the break and since Mike didn't have any plans of his own, she insisted that he tag along. He didn't need much convincing, since he was more than willing to go with her. Really though, it's not like he ever would've turned her down. How could he possibly be able to handle being away from her for a whole entire week?

Thankfully, he wouldn't have to figure that out, as he was sitting right next to her, listening to every word she spoke while they travelled down the seemingly never ending highway.

"So your parents do know I'm coming with you, right?" Mike asked her, once she'd finished telling him all about her beloved hometown.

"Yes, Mike. They know you're coming." El playfully rolled her eyes at him, flashing a crooked grin his way before looking back to the road. "They really needed to see it for themselves to believe that I actually have a boyfriend. My mom's also been dying to meet you, so she's very excited."

"And your dad?"

El laughed in response, it sounding a bit more apprehensive than she intended for it to. "He's still coming to terms with it."

"This should be interesting then." Mike sighed, already knowing that he was about to get the typical harsh dad treatment from the man. It would be even worse considering her dad's a police officer, but he would gladly suffer through all of it, if it meant that he would be with El.

"It'll be great! I know it!" El cheerfully assured him, reaching over and squeezing his hand to back up her positive words.

Soon enough, the two had arrived at her house, El squealing over the fact that she was finally back home after being away at school for so long. As they went further down the driveway, Mike had already spotted a woman standing out on the front porch, waving her hand like crazy.

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