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If you had asked El a little over a month ago what she'd picture her life to be like now, she would've never told you it would be like this— her days filled with an unbelievable amount of joy all thanks to a boy who was once just a stranger.

She was so used to being on her own, going straight to work or her classes, then right back home. She never really had much to look forward to, getting through each and every day like it was strictly routine.

But now, she wasn't alone anymore, hardly ever actually and she loved it. She got through the many hours at work and her often stressful classes much easier now, knowing that Mike would be there when everything was all over.

Her life had somehow become so perfect.

She's doing well in all those stressful classes, she's getting paid a little bit more for working those many hours and best of all, she has the most amazing boyfriend.

He's always so good to her, treating her like she's a princess or something. Gosh, even the way he looks at her makes her feel so perfect in his eyes, as if she could simply do no wrong. That of course, was not true, but the thought alone made her feel as if she could combust at any second, overcome with the happiness he creates within her.

How she ever managed to get through her days without him was a mystery to her. It had only been about four hours since she'd last seen him and her thoughts were constantly overrun by when she'd get to again.

She wanted to melt at the sight of his warm smile, to have his strong arms around her, to kiss those plump lips of his, preferably right this second.

If she wasn't literally about to see him, she'd be going crazy just thinking about it.

Luckily, Mike had texted not too long ago, telling her that he was about to head back from campus, so she only had to endure another five minutes or so.

Those five minutes still felt like hours, but eventually he had gotten home. As soon as El had received his text letting her know she could come over, she nearly ran for the door, heading straight to his.

Mike had told her once before that she didn't need to waste time knocking, that she could come in whenever she wanted, but she didn't feel right barging in like that. So, she brought her fist up, knocking heavily.

A few seconds passed before the door was opened.

El nearly lost her breath at the sight, those feelings of hers from before growing stronger. He was smiling at her, in that dreamy way that he does and those lips... they had truly never looked more kissable.

"What did I tell you about the knocking?" Mike teased, though El couldn't bring herself to say anything back.

She couldn't speak, not when her eyes had gotten stuck on one particular part of him that she needed in indulge in right that second.

She quickly stepped inside, planting her hands on each side of his face and bringing his lips straight down to hers.

Her mouth was moving on his before he could even realize what was happening. The kiss was so sudden, he hadn't even seen it coming. It didn't take him long to catch up though, matching his enthusiasm with hers. He kicked the door shut behind them, which El took advantage of, instantly spinning them around and pressing him right up against it.

She could feel his hands grip her waist a little tighter, as their mouths continued to chase after one another. El's heart was racing at that point, this being exactly what she had needed.

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