Chapter 20: It's A Real Date This Time

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OH GODS, WHAT AM I DOING?! It's a date, a real one this time. Yes, but HOW!? How am I gonna do this?! Just keep your eyes from looking too low and keep your breathing controlled.

"Weiss, over here!!"

The rich young woman whipped her head around and saw the girl in red waiting for her by the magic lift to the city.

"H-hey Ruby!" She called back, running over and throwing a nervous smile to her.

The girl with dyed hair wrapped an arm over Weiss' hip and kissed her cheek before making her way onto the lift.

"Come on, you don't wanna miss it or you'll be stuck up here." She chuckled, knowing well the reaction Weiss was having behind her.

After a brief moment of recoup, they had made their way to the surface of Vale, the city as busy and energetic as ever.

"So I was hoping that we could talk a little while we walk around." Ruby said with a bright smile. "Maybe about some of the stuff you mentioned in your adorable rant the other day?"

"Do we have to talk about that..?" Weiss questioned in embarrassment. "Can't we talk about anything else..?"

The young mage in training rolled her eyes. "You realize I could ask some very uncomfortable questions if you'd rather not talk about what I'd like to ask, right? I am Yang's sister."

"Fair point, don't remind me again..."

"Great! First thing's first, you may have let it slip that you admit your magic isn't too powerful."

"Way to start off small..." Weiss muttered before nodding in agreement. "Yes, I'm well aware that I'm not... Naturally gifted like some." An idea popped into her head. "Counter point though."


"You fake not being the best student here." She continued, crossing her arms as they walked. "Why is that?"

Ruby looked towards the ground, brow furrowed in thoughts of the past. "My mom wanted me to make something amazing of myself. She pushed me and made me into the best mage she could. I want to build my life without everyone around me assuming or treating me differently."

"But you are different." The heiress pointed out.

"I know, I know... But I want to show mom that I can do it on my own now that she's gone." Ruby whispered, pulling Weiss closer and slowing her pace. "I want her to know I'll be alright."

Weiss, while pink from the physical touch, was finally understanding more of how her partner thought through things. She cared more for her family and her dreams than Weiss had originally thought and it was beautiful.

"So, umm..." The girl shook off the memories and pulled her smile back on. "It's my turn."

"Should I be concerned?"

"Oh never." The girl in red laughed. "I'm just asking how you figured out that you liked me."

"Umm... I don't like this question..." Weiss whispered before finally giving it at Ruby's gaze. "I was looking for anyone that was attractive and capable at first... That's how all my relationships have started. You seemed smart enough and you were pretty and being my roommate just made it easy."

"That's not exactly what I was expecting." The girl giggled in response, her partner sending a glare at her.

"I wasn't done yet!" She snapped, a light huff escaping her lips. "You were weirdly interesting and your goofy attitude somehow drew me in." She added softly, turning away as to not meet Ruby's eyes. "My jealousy over Sun may have added to things too..."

"Ok, so in basics, I'm hot and funny, you like my brain, you don't like my friends hanging too close."

"That isn't inaccurate..." Weiss whispered back, looking down.

The feeling of careful lips touching to her cheek snapped her eyes from the floor. "I think that's really cute, Weissy."

"I-is that going to be a normal thing now? The cheek thing?"

"Would you rather it didn't?" Ruby prompted.

Weiss shook her head. "No, that's fine, I'm just... I'm not exactly use to someone being this sweet to me."

"You want me to ask something completely inappropriate to make up for it?"

The older girl thought for a moment before deciding it couldn't get any worse. "Go for it."

"Are you a virgin?" Ruby asked with a massive grin.

The heiress always fell over laughing, thankful she didn't bring a drink with her. "Yes, you jerk. Is that a good answer? Let's got some lunch so you don't have time for any more of those gems."

The pair walked off laughing, the walls of each coming down completely to allow the other entry.

"Sickeningly sweet." A ginger man chuckled to himself once he was sure they were out of earshot. "Lesbians are just adorable. Gets the shipper in me going."

The short girl by his side glared up at him, an expensive light blue wallet in her hand.

"Why aren't you a lesbian?" He asked. "I'm sure you could get yourself some sexy blonde that I could make fun of you for."

She smirked, handing him the wallet before cuddling up to him as they walked out of the streets and into the alleyways.

"Right, right, I'm why you aren't a lesbian." He muttered as they stepped out of sight. "I always forget how gorgeous I am."

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