The Chip Shoppe

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Every day I saw them  on TV, laughing and having fun in Auradon, a small piece of my heart was ripped away. 

They promised to come back for me. But they didn't. Clearly promises mean nothing when you are in Auradon, otherwise I'd be with them.

Anyway, I digress, I was at Ursula's Chip Shoppe, waiting tables with Uma (apparently that's a thing you have to do when you're in 'the pirate crew') when Harry dramatically pushed the saloon style doors open.

He half stomped over to the TV and turned it on. There was Mal. But with bleach blonde hair and a princess dress.

"Poser." Uma scowled.

"Traitor." Harry declared.

"Bitch." I agreed. Everyone looked at me "What. It is true, is it not?"

"Hello?" Shouted Uma when the rest of the crew stayed silent. Realising that Uma was mad, they burst into action, throwing food at the screen.

"Oh how I would love to wipe the smiles off their faces." Harry said going up and wiping some food off of the TV. Then he sat next to me and said "Ye know what I mean?" He flung his arm around my shoulders, almost knocking me off the bench in the process.

"Gil?" Said Uma sweetly "You want to quit choking down yolks and get with the program?" 

"Yeah...what they said..." Gil said hesitantly.

"That little traitor, who left us in the dirt..." Uma prompted, turning to Harry and I.

"Who turned her back on evil." I scowled.

"Who said you weren't big or bad enough to be in her gang." Gil attempted to contribute but as usual, did not help one bit.

Everyone shot him death glares. Oh god. Uma was going to kill him. "Back when we were kids? Come on, you guys remember, she called her Shrimpy and the name just kind of...stuck." The he saw the looks on mine and Harry's faces, trailing off after realising what he had said.

Uma turned back to me "That snooty little witch. Who grabbed everything she wanted and left me with nothing."

"No, she left you that sandbox and said that you could have the shri..." Gil started.

"Gil...stop..." I prompted.

"We have her turf now." Harry stated in his accent that made me melt like butter on a hot day. "They can stay in Boreadon..."

Uma was not impressed. "Harry! That's her turf now. And I want it too. We should not be getting her leftovers. Son of Gaston, Son of Hook, Daughter of The Queen of Heart, and me, most of all, Daughter of Ursula...what's my name?"

"Uma..." Harry and I said, him taking off his hat. I didn't wear hats.

"What's my name?" She said, turning to Gil.

"Uma." He mumbled through the mouthful of eggs he was once again eating.

And then she started to sing, occasionally joined by us:

We broke into a dance routine that I wondered when we had time to learn, but I guess everyone was too busy dancing to realise.

This is all hands on deck
Calling out to lost boys and girls
I'm gettin' tired of the disrespect
We won't stop 'til we rule the world
It's our time, we up next! (Next, next)
Our sail's about to be set (set, set)
They ain't seen nothing yet
Tell 'em who's in charge so they don't forget

What's my name, what's my name? (Uma)
Say it louder
What's my name, what's my name? (Uma)
Feel the power
No one's gonna stop us soon the world will be ours
What's my name what's my name?
What's it, what's it, say it, say it loud
(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuma)
All eyes on me, let me see 'em (Uuuuuma, Uuuuuma)
What's it, what's it, say it, say it
(Uma ah ah)

I'm the queen of this town
I call the shots, you know who I am
I don't need to wear no fake crown
Stand up to me, you don't stand a chance
It's our time, we up next (next, next)
My crew's as real as it gets (gets, gets)
The worst is now the best
And leaving us here will be their last regret

What's my name what's my name? (Uma)
Say it louder
What's my name What's my name? (Uma)
Feel the power
No one's gonna stop us soon the world will be ours
What's my name what's my name?
What's it, what's it, say it, say it

You know what they say Bad girls have all the fun
Never learned how to count 'cause I'm number one
Ready here, we come We always get our way
It's a pirate's life, every single day (hey!)
She's the captain, I'm the first mate
Enemies seasick can't see straight
Call 'em fish bait, throw 'em on a hook
Lizzie's so hot they get burned if they look

Harry shot me a wink and gestured for me to sit across his lap, which I did.
It's all eyes on me, let me see 'em
I see your eyes on me boys, hey
You know what my name is
Say it, say it louder
Ho, woah
Come on

What's my name what's my name? (Uma)
Say it louder
What's my name What's my name? (Uma)
Feel the power
No one's gonna stop us soon the world will be ours
What's my name what's my name?
What's it, what's it, say it, say it
(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuuma)
All eyes on me, let me see 'em (Uuuuma, Uuuuma)
What's it, what's it, say it, say it
Oh, say it louder (Uuuuuma, Uuuuuma)
Oh, say it louder (Uuuuuma, Uuuuuma)
What's it, what's it, say it, say it

Everyone was circled around Uma and she took hold of my hand, dragging me up beside her so that we were standing side by side for the routine's finish.

"Shut your clams!" Shouted Ursula from the kitchen, shooting a tentacle through and despite Uma's protests said "These dishes ain't gonna wash themselves!"

"It's fine, it's fine." Uma said, tossing her braids over her shoulder. "Because when I get my chance to rain down the evil on Auradon, I will take it. They will all forget that girl and remember the name..."

"Shrimpy!" Gil shouted. Everyone's excited faces fell as Uma glared. She gave me the look so i knew what to do.

 Harry and I took Gil by the shoulder and shoved him through the swinging doors. Harry arched straight back off again but I lingered for a moment "Be more careful with what you say next time." Before following my boyfriend back in.

Gil stood up and tried to come back through the door, but when we felt him behind us, Harry turned around and held his hook out threateningly toward the boy.



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