The Picnic

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A year later, I was down by the docks with Harry, Henry, my Mother, Captain James Hook, CJ and Harriet (Harry's sisters) for a 'family get together'.

Our parents had learnt how to tolerate each other and...were honestly not as evil as most people see them as.

"Y'know CJ, this is where Harry and I first met." I whispered to Harry's younger sister who sat between me and James (my god I'm so used to saying Captain Hook, that when it was insisted I call him James, it was so strange.)

"Really Lizzie? Here?" She questioned, as if she didn't believe me.

"Yeah, it's crazy to think that a place as simple as this could bring two people to this kind of love." I smiled.

I loved both of Harry's sisters like they were my own but CJ and I had more of a special sister like bond that Harriet and I did.

"Nice to see the two of ye getting along." Said Harry. "My two favourite girls."

"I'll try not to take offence from that." Said Harriet as Harry then playfully punched her on the arm.

After a moment of silence, my mother looked up at us. "Elizabeth, I wanted you to marry one of those Auradon princes."

"Mother..." I hissed.

"No, listen." She said "I wanted you to marry a prince. But you did something better than that. You found...actual love." She...half smiled.

"That she did." Harry smiled.

Something I had realised was that James didn't talk much around me and my mother. Maybe he hated us. I honestly didn't care.

"CJ, Harriet come with me for a minute." I said.

The girls followed me away from the picnic blanket as Harry and our parents stayed to look after Henry.

"You both see here?" I asked, pointing at a seemingly ordinary tree.

"Yes..but it's just a tree...isn't it?" Said CJ, confused.

"Look a bit more around the other side, maybe then you'll see something." I explained and they both moved around the tree.

"Harry Hook and Elizabeth Hearts, and then you put a heart around it." Harriet read.

"Yes, an act as simple as this could end up being something you will cherish. Oh and how are things going with you and Euan Fitzherbert?" 

"It's gre...wait, how did you know about that?" Blushed CJ.

"His older sister Aurelia was a friend of mine at school." I said simply. We laughed and headed back to our families.

An hour or so later, James, CJ, Harriet and my mother left, meaning that only Harry, Henry and I were still down by the docks. "Want to take one more ride on that old boat Liza?" Harry asked.

"Of course I do." Harry picked up Henry as soon as I agreed and we walked over to the water's edge.

We all sat in the old wooden rowboat and Harry picked up the oars and began to row out across the water. "Look, Henry, that's Auradon. Would you like to go there?" I asked.

"Yes Mummy. But...what's an Auradon? It looks pretty." Said Henry.

"It's where Mummy and Daddy's friends are. That's one surprise we have for ye today, we're moving to Auradon." Harry explained.

"Wow!" Henry gasped. So precious and sweet.

"And are you ready for your next surprise?" I asked.

"Yes Mummy, what is it?" Henry squealed excitedly.

"Well how would ye feel about having a baby sister?" Harry asked him. I led Henry's hand, along with Harry's to my stomach to feel where the baby was

Both boys' eyes lit up and they smiled at me.

I love these boys with all my heart and I don't know what I'd do without them. I couldn't wait for our baby to be born and for our family to grow by one more.

When our daughter was born, I woke up to Harry and Henry sitting beside my bed in an Auradon hospital. Harry holding my daughter.

"Harry, what do we call her?" I whispered hoarsely.

"We liked Elaina. or Ellie for short." Harry recalled. "Henry, how about you choose her middle name."

The young boy scrunched his face up in thought until he finally said "I like...Lili."

"Elaina Lili Hook." I contemplated.

"It's beautiful, just like she is." Harry said as he leaned over to kiss me. After, he pulled both Henry and I in for a hug.

I looked fondly at Harry, Henry and Elaina. They are my whole world. 

I never would have thought that when I met that beautiful stranger with the gorgeous eyes and captivating accent that we would end up married with two children.

But that's life. It shocks you and I wouldn't change any one part of it for anything else.

The End...


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