10 | Feb 20 - Feb 24

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February 20

Too many questions inside my head

Too many thoughts being left unsaid

Feelings heating up like fiery red

Don't know where these emotions might be led.

(from "Why Can't I")

February 21

Happiness starts in the little things

That seem insignificant to us

But no matter how simple they are

It's the person who gives value to them

February 22

A realization today: Goals should not end in our life's journey

And they should not be too hard to accomplish neither

Goals should be easy to achieve in reality

And we just level them up in order for us to be better

February 23

Not down to be down, so I played some music

The upbeat ones are what I usually pick

Moving my arms, swinging my body around

Just feeling the beat of the sound

February 24

Keeping up with what's up in this society

Spent bills on lavish things that were temporary

For a night, they lived in a world of fantasy

In order to get away from misery of reality.


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