"So what do you want to do today, Markie?" Ruby asks me lounging on my bed.
"I don't know... we could study and watch a movie." I suggest. Ruby is 17 and my best friend... really, she's my only friend. I'm like the background character no one even remembers from someone else's story. Not to Ruby, though. She sees me, and I'm grateful for that.
"You got candy? Can't watch a movie without popcorn and candy." She grins at me.
"You know my parents. Unless you consider carrots candy that isn't happening in this house." I tell her. My parents are health freaks. Well, they are top warriors in our pack, so they need to stay in shape, but still, is a cookie gonna kill me? No.
"Well, you could always stay over at my house." She suggests.
"I don't think that's a good idea." I respond. I love Ruby, but I'm not big on being around a lot of people. I get really nervous... and I really get nervous around her brother.
"You still hung up on Alic?" She says nudging me.
"No... of course not!" I say a little too quickly.
"Well then, there's no reason why you can't come over!" She pulls me up from my seat, and we make our way to her house.
Ok, so here's the thing. I like Alic. I have since we were in kindergarten. I liked him before I even knew he was a werewolf like me. Before he joined the pack. Before we found out he was the Beta's son.
He's just nice. Genuinely nice... he helps people. he stands up to bullies. And not just for pack members but humans too. He thinks everyone should be treated well. He even made Ti (one of the Alpha's twins) a better person when they became friends. (Ti was kinda a jerk before) Plus, he's funny. I mean a complete clown! He is top of our class in school too. To top it all off, he is the most beautiful male specimen in existence (ask any girl in the school), and he doesn't even know it! He doesn't even see the girls staring at him. Yeah... I like Alic.
"Come on, I'll set us up in the living room!" Ruby says as we enter her house. "Have a seat. I'll go get snacks."
I sit on the couch and look around. Well, at least he's not here... probably with the twins. I lean back and wait for Ruby. This could be ok... maybe he's staying at the Alpha's house with Ti and Malak. Maybe I won't run into him. Maybe I won't make a fool of myself.
"Hey, Marker... what are you doing here?" Maybe I spoke too soon. A male voice fills the room, and I look over to see Alic standing in the doorway. His wavy dark brown hair is falling down in his eyes. Not long enough to impede his vision, but enough that he keeps messing with it to get it out of his way.
"Ruby invited me." I whisper.
"Oh... cool. What cha girls doin'?" He asks, rocking back on his heels.
"Ummm... uh... yeah... we're gonna, umm... watch a movie... maybe study?" Words Markie words! I can't believe this! I knew I'd make a fool out of myself!
"Cool!" He flops down on one of the chairs with his legs hanging off one arm and his head and shoulders off the other. He turns to look at me. "Haven't seen you around in a while... You avoiding me, Marker?" He is grinning at me. I swear his teeth nearly sparkle! This boy is too much!
"No!... of course not... you know... I just don't hang out with a lot of people... and you are usually with the twins... and I don't want to interrupt... and..." I ramble
"Hey, calm down, Markie. It was just a joke... so you finish the history report yet?" Alic is in all of my classes, and I mean ALL! We both skipped sixth grade and ended up in advanced classes. I literally see him everywhere.

Manusia SerigalaAll werewolves have mates. So what happens when you fall for someone before you're 18... "Hopefully hes my mate" is all Markie can think as she waits for her 18th. This is a short story that takes place in the middle of "Orphan Wolf". It can be rea...