After Philip said his line

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"Actually," Philip turned to me, one hand still on the steering wheel. His face remained calm, but I could see the anxiety in his eyes. "Do you have a plan or are you just blindly killing?"

I considered for a moment.

"Why should I tell you?" I shot back.

Philip settled back in his seat, his face long.

"Okay, okay," I sat up straight, staring ahead. "I've planned my motives long ago. I don't kill blindly. Is that what you want to know?"

"What exactly is your motive then?" He asked, glancing at me from the rear view mirror.

I pulled up my scarf to avoid answering.

We stayed that way until Philip finally pulled to a stop.

"Just... just don't kill anyone tonight okay?" Philip asked. "Do it for me... At least do it for yourself. I don't want you to turn into a serial killer. Promise me."

"Why?" I asked, emotionless. "Why do you care so much? Don't."

"Don't change the topic," Philip met my eyes. "Promise me."

"I can't promise you anything," I broke the gaze and opened the car door, stepping out into the chilly night air. I started walking in the direction of the motel, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

I felt something clamp over my arm. I turned instinctively, the other hand reaching into my pocket--

"Just don't kill anyone, Will, I..." Philip faltered at the murderous gaze I shot him.

"Shut up," I said calmly. "Don’t call me that and if you tag along with me, then let me do my job. If you won’t, then leave."

With that, I turned and stormed into the motel building.

"Wilma," Philip followed me into the motel, his expression stony.

"What available rooms do you have?" I asked the receptionist, ignoring Philip.

The receptionist seemed to recognize Philip.

"Are you with him?" she asked briskly.

I nodded.

"Then you can pay half the price," she gave me a professional smile.

"Back to my question," I growled. the receptionist looked taken aback. But she regained enough composure to nod. She tapped several times on a mouse and looked up, forcing a smile.

"Room 345, 342, 576--" she read from the computer monitor.

"I'll have 576," I cut her off. "He--" I jerked my head at Philip-- "will have room 342 please."

"That would be fine," the lady clicked her mouse again. "May I take your name please?"

I paused. I wondered if the news of Philip and my disappearance had spread here yet. The receptionist recognized Philip and did not do anything so I guessed the news had not reached these parts yet. But to play safe...

"I'm Helen Green," I said firmly. I handed her some cash.

"Helen Green," the lady repeated. "Phone number please? In case we need to contact you."

I was saved by an old lady who fell at the stairs. The receptionist gasped and handed me two cards.

"Here are your keys," she said hurriedly and ran to help the lady.

I shoved Philip's card into his hand and turned.

"Just remember what I said," Philip said pleadingly.

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