Before the day was over

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It turned out that the town was very large and we needed at least one day to reach the border.

Philip stayed quiet as he turned the steering wheel.  I moved to a more comfortable position, my face staring out the window while I leaned on the car wall.

"Why did you follow me in the first place?" I kept my eyes out in the street where the sun had just risen, spilling its faint red glow on the already bustling sidewalks.

"I..." Philip squinted at the street in front of him.  "You won't understand."

His sounded as if a needle had pricked a hole in him and he was starting to deflate.

"Tell me then," I said, turning to look at him.

"No, I can't," Philip said flatly.

I fell back into my seat and stared out the window again.  We lapsed into silence.  Neither of us wanted to break it.

"You should get some sleep," Philip cleared his throat. 

I closed my eyes, and fell into a deep sleep, almost as deep as my victims.

"Do not do this," my mom shook her head.

"Do what?" I asked.

My mother seemed not to hear me.  Her green eyes so unlike mine, stared blankly into space. 

"Don't," she repeated hoarsely.

I looked around.  We were in a room where there were no windows.  Only four blank walls.

"Please," she clasped her hands together pleadingly.

"Please!" she screamed.  "Don't separate us!  Don't separate us!  Don't..."

She banged her fists on an invisible wall in front of her.  I ran to embrace her, but the force field pushed me backwards.

"Mother!" I screamed.

She didn't see me.  She kept sobbing and sobbing...


I felt myself waking, but did not intend to open my eyes.  Nightmares were the only thing that made me feel vulnerable, and I could not afford to be weak.  My ears perked up at sobbing noises.  I pretended to turn in my sleep and peered through my eyelids.  Philip had tears streaming down his face as if someone had turned on the faucet.  He was trying to keep them in, but more were on their way.

I pretended to sleep for a few more moments, until he had finally stopped crying, and opened my eyes.

Philip wiped his face on his sleeve and looked at me as if nothing had happened.

"You're awake," he said, trying to conceal his tear tracks by reaching up and scratching his head.

I felt curious.  What had happened to him before he came to this journey with me?  How, and most of all, why did he cry?

"Philip..." I started.

Philip pulled out a piece of Kleenex and started squishing his nose with it. 

"Yeah?" he said, his voice muffled.

I thought better of it.  "Nothing.  Are you tired?"

"No," he said, forcing a smile.

"You're lying," I said frowning.

Philip rolled his eyes.  "Even if I am, I have no place to sleep."

"I'll drive," I said firmly.

"You can't..." 

"I know I don't have a drivers' licence but at least I can drive a little to let you sleep," I raised my shoulders for a shrug.

Philip sighed resignedly, pulled off the road, and switched places with me.  His eyelids sewed themselves shut right after he sat down.  I took the wheel and started driving.  I knew how to drive, I learnt the skill, but I never wanted a drivers' licence.  Call me weird, but well, I liked it that way.

I glanced now and then at Philips's sleeping form, wondering what this boy's past was.

I drove for a few hours until we finally reached the rural parts of the town.  Some car honked repeatedly behind me, so I pulled off to the side of the road, and looked back.  The car which honked me was none other than—a police car.


Cliffhanger!  BWAHAHA!  Wanna know what happens next?  Gimme ya vote and comment and I'll tell ya soon! :3 kisses for ma lovely readers.

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