Chapter 7: "Heartbroken Again"

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Winty's POV

It's been the whole day since I started hanging out with the vampires. We even eat dinner. Later on, I realize that it's almost 8:00. I turned to Vinia and Vondoo jr.

"Sorry guys", I tell them,"No offense, but it's almost nighttime. I'm gonna head home now".

"Okay", said Vondoo jr.,"See you tomorrow".

I wave goodbye at them as I head towards the wolf den in the Forbidden Forest. When I arrive, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Willa.

"Where have you been all this time?", she asked me.

"Just hanging around", I answered, but I don't add a lot of details of what I'm doing.

"With the vampires?", she asked me again. What?! How come she knows about it?!, I think.

After a short silence, I nod my head,"Yes".

I was expecting her to get mad at me, but she just gives me an advice,"Don't trust them. They might kidnap you to kill you. Beware of those who pretend to be interested in you. Especially them".

"Thanks for the advice, Willa", I tell her,"I'll keep it in mind".

As I said this, I walk towards my room to get ready for bed. After that, I tuck myself in bed. Before I drift off to sleep, I decide to apologize to Wyatt tomorrow morning.

The next day...

We're now in Seabrook High and during the free period, my mission is to apologize to Wyatt today. When I get to the library, I spot Wyatt and Eliza studying together. It seems like they're hanging out with each other. What's going on with those two? I was about to speak up when the vampires drag me out of the library. The journey between me and Wyatt is fading and failing.

Time skip to the end of the program...

After the bell rings and the school program is over, I walk down the street looking for Wyatt to apologize to him and promise to trust him whatever he says.

When I find him, it seems that he and Eliza are dating. How is this possible?! We were officially dating and now, Wyatt thinks I'm into the vampires and he decided to move on by dating her?!, I think as I feel my heart shatter and walk away. If I apologize to him, he would reject it and he would still choose Eliza over me.

As I walk away and tears start rolling down my cheeks, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Diana, Kayla and Misty.

"Winty, what's the matter?", asked Diana.

"Not now", I declined as I keep walking away. Every time I feel my heart shatter, I always say that when my friends ask me questions.

"Why are you crying?", asked Misty.

"Not now, girls. Please", I declined again as I keep walking away.

"There's no need to cry", said Kayla,"We're open for advices".

That's when I get angry and turn to them, with my eyes glowing yellow, my moonstone necklace glowing and my claws showing off to them yelling,"I said not now, girls!".

They are all shocked as it seems like they've never seen my attitude like this. They shoot me a look.

"Fine", said Diana,"Do whatever you want".

As she said this, they walk away from me. I feel terrible as I try to apologize to them.

"Diana, I—", I begin, but they ignore me. It seems like they won't accept my apology at all.

I begin walking away sadly, still heartbroken and tears still rolling down my cheeks. When I arrive in the Forbidden Forest, but not in the wolf den, I begin to sing:

How can it be?
After all these years we met
How can this be happening?
After all we're together forever

And now
I'm heartbroken again
Is it because of what I've done?
Oh no
I'm heartbroken again
Did I do something wrong?

How can it be?
After all the fun we have
How can this be happening?
After all the journeys we have

And now
I'm heartbroken again
Did I make a huge mistake?
Oh no
I'm heartbroken again
Is it because I mess things up?

It's all my fault
I don't know what to do
If I'd listen to you in the first place
None of this would've happen

Oh my, oh my (2x)

As the song ends, I sit on the rock crying with my hands covering my face. A while later, I hear a branch snapping. I quickly stand up as I asked,"Who's that? Who's there?".

Suddenly, I feel two people grabbing me. I do not turn because it would be a bad idea, so I try to break free, but their grip is tighter. I feel someone blinding me forcing me to blackout. Before I do so, my last thoughts are, Oh, Wyatt. I'm so sorry. I should've listen to you in the first place, but instead, I'm lured into a trap. Will you ever forgive me?

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