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I make my way out of the bar, and as I enter the parking lot I see him standing next to his car, his brown leather jacket looking so good on him. He runs his hand through his hair, pushing it back from his face, and looks over to me.
"Think you can text and I'll come running?" I question.
"Well you're here now aren't you" he smirks cockily.
"Because I want to be, not because you told me to." I say.
"You just love being a brat don't you?" He says, standing up from leaning against his car, and turning to me. He gets very close to my face, and i can feel myself turning red underneath his stare.
"I'm not a brat" I say, even though I know damn well I am.
"Well you're definitely not being a good girl right now" he says and it sends a pang through my stomach. I pout, letting him know that made me sad.
"Hmm" he hums, brushing my hair back from my face. "I'm gunna have to show you what happens when you're a little brat. Get in the car."
I do as told, walking around to the passengers seat and getting in. His car is nice, luxurious, but all I can think about is the way his hand rests on my thigh as he pulls out of the parking lot. His fingers tap against my bare skin, sending tingles up my body. My breath comes out shakily, and I look up to him as he drives. His jaw is clenched, his eyes stared straight ahead at the road, he is actually one of the most attractive men I've ever met and I have no clue how I didn't notice it sooner.
His hand starts to stroke up my thigh, getting dangerously close my to core before dropping back down. He's working me up, and the smirk on his face shows the amusement he's getting from my quivering leg. The next stroke makes it worse, and by the third time he works his way up there, I grab his hand, pushing him all the way up. He tears away quickly shooting me a hard stare.
"Behave." He demands, his voice causing me to jump slightly.
I wiggle around in my seat, my legs squeezing together to release some of the tension. He pulls off the road onto a paved off-road, that's blocked with a gate. He punches in a code and the gate opens, allowing him to drive through. I see a large home, stunning and modern. It fits his millionaire self perfectly, and I quickly feel embarrassed that he came to my ugly little flat the other day.
He pulls his car up, turning it off.
"Come." He encourages.
I open my door, stepping out of the car. He puts his arm around my lower back, leading me up the stairs to his front door. He opens the door and we walk inside, the luxurious feeling almost overwhelming me. The front foyer has marble floors and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The walls are lined with obviously expensive paintings.
I'm taken off guard when he grabs my wrists in his hands, pulling them above my head and pushing me up against the wall.
"You're a bad girl" he mutters closely to my face, his hot breath hitting my lips.
"Spank me, it's the only way I learn." I say, causing a smirk to grow on his face. He presses his lips to mine roughly, letting my wrists go to slide his hands around my thighs. I jump slightly, letting him lift me off the ground. His hands grip under my ass, and I let out a small yelp as he squeezes. I feel my back leave the wall, him walking us down the hallway to another room, our lips still connected. He kicks open a door, and soon he drops me onto a bed.
I watch as he strips his shirt, his flexed muscles sending me to have the dirtiest thoughts, who knew that's what he was hiding under those button ups. I lick my lips, opening my legs and he cocks his head to the side.
"You think you're getting to have fun tonight? Oh baby.." he coos, running his fingers down my leg sending shivers up my spine. "How pathetic.."
he grabs my legs, flipping me over.
"All fours" he demands.
I rise up to my hands and knees, and he flips my dress up, exposing my ass.
"Let me show you whats gunna happen when you decide to be a brat" he says.
Quickly I feel his hand collide with my ass, sending a loud gasp out of my mouth. The stinging sensation lingering for a second before I feel the same exhilarating pain again, this time a moan escapes my lips.
"Take your clothes off" he says.
I'm quick to strip my dress and panties, throwing them over to the other side of the room.
He climbs on top of me, kissing my lips. His hand grips the back of my head, holding me close to him as he roughly runs his tongue on my lower lip. I grab at his pants, unbuttoning them and he pulls away from the kiss to pull them all the way off.
"Hold on" he says, walking over to his dresser and pulling out a blue tie, one I've seen him wear to work several times. He walks back over and I happily already have my hands together, holding them out to him. He smirks, wrapping the tie around them tightly, double knotting it. He pushes my bound hands above my head and pulls down his boxers, his dick springing up. My eyes widen slightly, he's not huge, but he's definitely bigger than any other guy I've slept with.
He climbs back on top of me, leaning down closely to my face.
"Think you can be a good girl now?" He asks in a soft voice to which I nod frantically.
"Use your words" he says.
"Yes sir, I'll be good." I say.
His hand reaches down, swiping across my folds with little to no pressure, I squirm under him, wishing he'd just fuck me already.
"Patience." He says, holding my hip down with his strong hand as his other hand works light circles up and down. I do my best to sit still but it's so hard, my hips move again and his eyes harden on me.
"Don't make me tell you twice." He says.
He pulls his hand away from me, sitting up and pumping himself a couple times. I watch as he slowly rolls his hand down and up, making his dick look better and better by the second. I can feel myself clenching around nothing, desperate for him. I let out a small whimper and he smirks.
"Okay kitten, here we go." He says. His dick shoved into me roughly and I let out a yelp, my hands pulling harshly at the tie, gaining no movement due to the tight knots. He continues to pound himself into me, his hands on both sides of my head, holding himself up. My mouth falls open, letting small cries out continually, but being muffled when he connects his lips to mine.
As if it couldn't get even more intense, his fingers rub circles on my clit, causing me to arch my back in pleasure. The knot in my stomach tightens, and my eyes start to close.
"Look at me baby" He says.
I manage to open my eyes, looking into his as I rapidly reach my high.
"Come on my cock babygirl, show me how good I make you feel" he grunts into my ear, sending me over the edge. I cry out, releasing all the tension in my stomach as I come, my hands now yanking tightly at the tie as my legs shake. He pounds into me even harder, reaching his own high and I moan out at the stimulation.
"Fuck me sir oh fuck" I gasp out and that was enough to make his eyes roll back, his thrusts becoming sloppy and slow.
He comes down from his high, pulling out of me slowly, the empty feeling almost disappointing. He pushes the curls off his forehead, and sits down next to me, untying my hands and lifting me up against his chest.
"You okay?" He asks.
"I'm great" I give him a small smile. "That was good."
"Just good?" He questions, a silly look on his face.
"More than good." I say, my legs feeling like absolute jelly as I try to stand up and get dressed, practically falling back down into the bed.
"You don't have to leave you know" Tom says. "Kinda can't.."
I look up to see he has a proud smirk on his face, happy that he's made it so I can barely walk.
"You sure?" I ask.
"Lay down babygirl."

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