Meeting the Kubota family

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About 20 minutes later you and Miko left Joystick Jr. arcade on Milo's bicycle and rode all the way to the Kubota residence.

"Whoa, this is a beautiful house, this is your parents place?" As you walked up the steps, you stopped and froze in fear

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"Whoa, this is a beautiful house, this is your parents place?"
As you walked up the steps, you stopped and froze in fear. You recognized this house and address from a day ago. Miko then stepped in front of you.
"Yeah so....just be cool! My parents aren't exactly..."
The door opened, revealing a tall adult woman of asian descent just like Miko, and was seemingly in a moody state.
"Miko, I told you to be back here by 6 for dinner, where were you?!"

 "Miko, I told you to be back here by 6 for dinner, where were you?!"

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Mayumi, then switching her attention to the boy Miko brought home.
"Miko? Who is this?"
Asked Mayumi, who's eyes then widened in surprise, then turning into suspicion.
Oh, god, You thought, she remembers you.
Miko awkwardly turned around
"Uh....Hey mom ! This is my new friend ! His names Y/N! I met him at the arcade !"
Miko placed her hands on your shoulders with a nervous smile.
Mayumi stared you down, seemingly right into your very soul seeing your fear as you took a big gulp while staring up right into hers.

The event from yesterday replayed in your head, that day when you were on your bike riding along the bicycle path to the market, and as you were in the parking lots you weren't paying attention as your bicycle was rammed by the trunk of somebody's car getting ready to pull out, sending you off the bike and onto the concrete, then Looking up you saw the massive dent in the trunk you made. Just then, an angry woman came out of her drivers seat slamming the door behind her and stomping to back of her car you hit, and gave you a scary look that burned into your mind resembling the one she was giving you now as she towered over you.

Your lips trembled as you opened them up to speak "Hello Mrs

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Your lips trembled as you opened them up to speak
"Hello Mrs. Kubota"
You stood up straight and then shakily bowed respectfully to Mayumi.
It was a awkward moment of silence as you whispered to Miko
"This is your mom?!"
As Mayumi began to speak, her expression and what she said next was not at all what you were expecting.
She loosened up, even given a little smile.
"My, what a polite young boy you found Miko, I didn't think you'd find a boyfriend anything like this!"
Mayumi smiled putting her hands together in surprise, and giving a great big smile to the both of you.
"Please, come in Y/N."
Asked Mayumi stepping aside and raising her hand gesturing for you to enter
"So, what are we having anyway?"
Miko Asked as you walking inside
"We're having Sushimi, dear."
Mayumi looked back at Miko, and then to you.
"I hope that's okay."
You felt uncomfortable and confused.
Mayumi, the person who's car you dented and made you pay up for the damage and hated your guts, acted like she absolutely adored you for how polite you were, especially because she would've never expected her daughter to bring home a boy like you. And that was just it, she was also the MOTHER of this girl you liked.
The dinner table interactions were awkward at first, as they too were not expecting company.
Miko's siblings were pretty okay, Miko's brother Geoffrey thought you were a chill dude, Miko's younger sister Lex's interactions with you were comic even after they found out you weren't actually her boyfriend Lex teased you about whether or not you actually did have the hots for Miko. Miko's oldest sister, Nica, was a bit of a jerk, she was like a loving embodiment of the sassy teenage girl who was obsessed with her phone trope. She mostly had her attention focused onto her phone rather than anything else, Miko's dog Cloud was a bit of a mess, he literally got on the table and gave you kisses as soon as you gave him head pats.
While at the dinner table you and Miko got to talk and you learnt really quickly that the two of you have a lot in common ;
You loved Video games, Animals, RPG's, Dancing
& Music.
An hour later dinner was over, and Miko was stuffed to the brim.
"Oh man!"
Miko yawned, raising and stretching her arms
"I'm full, and super tired now!"
Said Miko patted her stomach and burping.
"Yeah, it's getting pretty late now, guess I had better be getting home then."
"Oh yeah man, I guess we'll just have to play tomorrow then? Anyway I'll go get my bicycle..."
Said Miko
"Oh, you need to get home? I'll drive you."
Miko's mom, Mayumi spoke up getting her purse
"Oh no it's fine mom I can take him home!"
Said Miko
"Oh no It's no trouble! Besides, YOU need to be getting to bed young lady."
Said Mayumi
Miko shrugged and sighed, then turning to you and bumping your shoulder
"See ya later, bud."
She winked before going upstairs.
"Come along then, Y/N."
Mayumi said walking to the door and slipping on her shoes, you went and did the same.
"Thank you for taking me home, Mrs. Kubota."
You said, as she opened the door and walked out onto the porch she pulled her keys out from her purse and pointed them at the car unlocking it and starting the engine.
"Oh no, thank you! I was not expecting guests but it was nice having you regardless"
Mayumi then turned and glared
"And thanks again for mowing the front yard and pulling the weeds from my garden. I appreciated you doing housework for me after denting my car with that bike of yours."
She said, you briefly looking at the front of her car seeing it was still there.
"So, where do you live exactly?"

The ride home was awkward and silent, sitting still in the shotgun seat with Mayumi.
You simply looked outside the window watching the houses pass by, before you turn began to recognize the streets and familiar buildings.
"Where getting close now, it's just across this street."
You said pointing to your left.
"I thought so."
Said Mayumi, looking at the GPS on her phone.
"So, Y/N...."
You looked at her
"You seem to really like my daughter."
Said Mayumi
"Oh, uh...yeah, I do."
You said
"And SHE seems to like you."
She said, her tone getting deeper
"Does she?..."
You asked nervously as Mayumi pulled into the left lane going down the street of your address
"I don't know what's going on between you two, but whatever it is, let me just say this."
Mayumi pulled into your house and parked
"You seem like a nice boy, and you made a big mistake last week, one that could've cost you your life if you weren't careful on the bicycle path. But if you plan on doing anything with her, you'd better be sure that your intentions are good. I can't stop Miko from dating whoever she wants."
"M—Mrs. Kubota, it's not like that, I swear!"
You blushed and stuttered completely embarrassed by her even suspecting your feelings for her
"So if you like her, then i recommend that you treat her like a princess, and love her with all your heart!"
Said Mayumi, before unlocking the doors
"Are we clear?"
You nodded in submission
"Y-Yes, ma'am!"
You opened the door getting out of the door
"I'll be keeping my eye on you."

As Mayumi rolled up the window and pulled out of the driveway, you stood there slightly relived that Mayumi wasn't as livid as she was when you put that dent in her car, but at the same time were on thin ice with her and her daughter

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As Mayumi rolled up the window and pulled out of the driveway, you stood there slightly relived that Mayumi wasn't as livid as she was when you put that dent in her car, but at the same time were on thin ice with her and her daughter. You wished there some way that you could get on her good side more and prove your love. Then again, The Hinobi Store seemed to be looking for new hires.

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