chapter 12 seeing the light

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Renesme p.o.v.

Jane could u give me some food i need actual food. And why arent u feeding seth. He needs food too.. and when are we going somewhere else. If u want me for a couple of more months u have to let seth go and give me things i need.

Shut up renesme as she told me this i felt a stinging in my arm and a warmth come down to my fingers. I was bleeding. The bleeding didn't get any better. So i tore off some of my swaeter to make it stop. Jane and the others left. Becuz they couldnt stand my smell. It was to tempting. Seth ran to my aid but then jane  pulled him and threw him to the other side of the room. I heard his arm crack. Which i knew would heal almost instantly. Seth didn't deserve to be here.  We both didnt i ran up to jane and punched her in The face full of rage she took me by the throat and threw me aginst the wall. I felt my leg snap and i crumpled up in a ball and screamed with the agonizing pain. She then looked at me mumbled sometthing and turned away she then blindfolded seth and stuck a needle in his arm. Then they came over and blindfolded me and put a cloth over my mouth. All this happened and i could only feel movement from one baby. I dont know what will happen. And im concerned. I  try to move away from the cloth but  someone holds me down. Then everything went. Black. When i waken i notice that we are in a different castle and seth is being brought down to the cellar he is still unconscious. I wait for the voltori to leave before i start crying so hard that i soak my sweater. I look at it and realize that the outfit they put on me is new clean and of all things black. I pull up my shirt to reveal my swollen belly that has black and blue bruises all over it. I cry even more when jane comes. Down she has something in her hand. I cringe.i dont want to think about it. I cant stand up anymore so im sitting on the floor leaning against a cold brick wall. I feel around my belly but hurts to move. jane tells me that i killed a baby she takes something in her hand and punches me in the forehead. I blackout. I hear things but i cant open my eyes. Things are black for what feels like an eternity. I then see a light in one eye and then i see them in both. My i close shut because i dont deserve to die. I have only been married a couple of weeks. Or months i dont know what day it is and as everyday passes by i dont know what is going to happeen to my one child that is still alive.

I suddenly hear several voices that is familar. Like carlisles and my father's. But i know im dreaming they will never find me. the won't find me or seth.

I then hear seth confirming that he is in better shape than me and all he remembers from this location is jane came in with something simmilar to a brass knuckle and that she told renesme that it was her fault that she killed one baby .she then hit renesme in the head and she has been out for three days ever since.

I start to move my head or at least i think i do and make noises.i feel someone squeeze my hand. I scream bloody murder becuz a ripping sensation hits my head arm.leg and stomach. My eyes flew open to see my uncle Emmet holding me down he looks over his shoulder. Telling carlisle to come but before he says anything carlisle is by my side and is examining me. He tells emmet to get the others or at least jake. I almost forgot the pain when i heard that jake was here. But before i did more pain swept over me. Carlise told me to breathe and to take deep breaths.

Jake is there by my side with out a shirt on.  Then I  noticed that his shirt he had on was tied around my leg. He kisses my forehead and then i notice there is no pain.i look at jake and sob into his shoulders that i lost one baby. He shakes his head and crys with me. Carlisle gave me and jake a ride to a fancy hotel in ireland. He tells jake to give me a bath and food. And he would be up there with some equipment.when i got out i noticed that there was snow on the ground.

I look at jake with wide eyes and ask him what day it is.he replied with. Renesme it is the 5th of December you are due in 20 days. So we might have to stay here if things aren't okay. When jake helps me take of my sweater he winces and tears up when he sees my belly and ribs.he told me not to worry. And that i would be alright now and that jane won't hurt me again. He looks at my head and sees a big gash in it. He lowers me into the tub.  I screamm when he removes his hands from my lower back He then lifts my lower back and the pain is relieved. I don't  know whats wrong with me. When he tries to feed me im not hungry im nauseous but i know i have to eat something . Carlise finally came in and started listening to babies hearts. He tells us i have bad news and i have good news. The bad news is we might have to travel home and the good news is we didn't kill the baby it just had a low enough heartbeat it was hard for jane to hear. I sigh in relief.

Rlisle why is it ba that Renesme might have to travel home jake said in questioning and concerned sound

Well jake you see, renesme is no ordinary patient and all my tools are over ther so we will travel tomorrow mornig to forks hopefully nessie won't go into labor.

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