Wall of Lies

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                    In this house, there's a wall. Not on that you can see, but one that you can't. And in this wall, there are lies that protect the weak one's mind and heart. The weak one's heart belonged to one, but their mind, had belonged to 3. Themselves, their lover, and the dark one. The weak one's lover had told them that they need to be apart, and they didn't know for how long. The weak one was sad, and wanted to cry for Hours and days, until they met the dark one. The dark one isn't truly great, but he was there to leand a shoulder. The dark one made the weak one believe that the weak one was beautiful and could be happy every day. But the weak one was warry at first, but stayed because their mind said that its ok, soon we will tell our lover, and all will be forgiven. The weak one's mind was corrupted, of years of abuse and lies. And that all they knew. The weak one stayed. And then the dark one wanted more. Then the loved on came back, and the weak one was there with open arms, ready to tell them everything, but they had demands, which only made the weak one weaker. The weak one's mind said, no, don't tell them yet. I'm not ready. Sometime later, the dark one wanted the weak ones love, and told them, "Only as a game weak one, it can make your stronger." The weak one's mind, wanted to be stronger. So the weak one's mind said, Its all ok, soon we will tell our loved one everything, and all will be forgiven. The Lover had been really loving to the weak one, but there were somethings that the lover did, that the weak one didn't like. They had other lovers, who hung around them, and pictures of things they wanted to love, but in a darker way, and the way they loved the weak one, wasn't as true, at lease that is what the weak ones mind said. "They want something thinner, and prettier, CHANGE." And the weak ones heart chimed in, "We love them, so just listen to the mind." So the weak on changed. They stopped eating, they worked out none stop, the pushed themselves to limits that no one should push themselves to be. The weak one, is as it is because, they believe that their life doesn't matter, and the loved one, told them that they had kissed another, in a romantic way, and the weak one, got only weaker. The weak one started doing more things they were not comfortable with, but though was gratitude towards the dark one, or that they would tell everyone what they were going through, what they said in those weaker moments that they believed would be only shared between them. One day, the dark one said that the weak one can live with them. And that they could marry and be happy. The weak on thought it was all a little game. And if the dark one wanted to be with them, as a game, it was okay. That their heart felt nothing. The spoke words from the heart, but they were nothing. The heart said, "Mind you know what your doing right? I can only belong to one, and the dark one hasn't even met the weak one. I know this is making them stronger, but this is something that I cannot bare, so I will hide, and you can take control around the dark one, I don't want to be tainted but it" and the mind took over. The mind spoke of only LUST and ANGER. So the mind started speaking. And as this happened. The heart started to feel tainted, that the mind was reaching to far. And the heart cried out to the loved one. And cried, it was scared. It didn't know who to go to. So it did. The heart was so scared of the mind. But the heart knew that it wasn't ready to leave, that it was something that made the weak one stronger. That the loved one was already doing to much with others, with family, and talents, that the weaker one shouldn't come first. That the weaker one wanted not to be. That that attention only made them weaker because they didn't know how to get stronger while the lover stood there not knowing what tricks the mind have place. The lover didn't want to wait. They thought that they needed to save the weak one now. And the love say what the dark one and the mind were doing, broke. They though that they were enough, and that the lust and anger and NEGATIVE feelings were not there or were not as bad as the mind had let them know. The heart, slowly as time went tried to control the mind. That LUST and ANGER only break. But the mind was too strong. The mind wanted NOTHING but that lust and anger to be going to the used over and over again on the dark one. The mind even tricked the heart one day by casting a spell onto the weak one's heart, and let the heart pour out so that the dark on would stay. So the weak on had comfort and a net so that when they broke, all the piece could be put back together. But the mind and the heart were all too focused on one part each that the weak one, was already broken. The lover found everything out and asked the weak one. "Did you lie about not dark one, that you actual love the dark one, that you were willing to go back again, and again to the dark one." And the weak one's heart broke and couldn't speak so the mind did. And with all of the heart might, it wasn't enough, and the the mind said, "no." And the weak one, was now the darkest one. No heart and All mind. EVERYTHING WAS A GAME. And the lover, was now the Sad one. With a broken heart, but the darkest one doesn't know that. From a far and a close, the closes that the sad one is willing to let the darkest one go, that they are fine, that they are able to never speak or think about the weak one again. And told DARKERST one, who in their heart was still the weak one, they are not in love, that the weak one was in need. And was not ready for love, that they were not capable showing that love. And that people like the weak one, only hurt the sad one. The formar lover. And that After all the money spent and time spent and words spent. That the weaker one didn't love them. And that after even all this time and years that they, didn't know who the weak one was. And the weak ones heart, turned to dust, and was forever the DARKEST ONE.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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