Watching Me Fall

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April wanders into the living room, her eyes still bleary and slack with sleep as she yawns aloud. She rubs the edge of her sleeve across her face, trying to rub off the line of drool on the corner of her mouth. Her light blue eyes dart over to the open window, and narrow at the curtains billowing in the night wind pouring in and she shivers consciously. Then her eyes register the five-foot-tall mutant turtle standing off to the side of the window, standing at his full height with his arms slack at his sides as he mutters nonsensically to himself. He arm gives a slight twitch, shifting in place.

The human girl cocks one eyebrow as she murmurs," Leo...? The sun isn't even up yet, are you already going for a training run," She edges closer going to stand off to his right side, leaning forward to see his face," Leo?"

Leonardo's eyes are lightly closed, his lips parted ever so slightly as he mutters under his breath," I'm underwater...deep, deep underwater. I'm drowning," He pauses his breath guttering from his lips and he gives a slow methodical nod,"...Yes."

"Leo - Leo you're just having a dream. A-a bad one... Let me help you back to bed," April whispers, taking a cautious step forward with her hand extended, her fingers grasping at empty air. Then the latter lets out a startled breath and he stumbles forward, hands slapping against the window's outline," Leo! Leo,'re scaring me. Just let me -"

"Mikey! No, get away from there," The blue cladded turtle abruptly screams, making the human girl let out a yelp and jump a few feet back. Then he leaps up swiftly onto the edge of the window, eyelids still shut, and without so much as a creaking from the wood underneath his feet or even a disruption in the wind, he front flips out the window onto the fire escape.

The human girl emits a tiny shriek as she scurries over to the open window, leaning out of it as she exclaims," Leo -! Oh, shoot - I didn't get enough sleep for this," She hesitates, before letting out a groan and slides out of the open window, her bare feet slapping on the cold metal of the fire escape," Leo...Leo...!"

"Mikey, get back here! Right now - I'm not joking," Leonardo snaps angrily, jumping off the edge of the fire escape, before kicking off of the brick wall on the other side of the building, catching the railing of the ladder and doing a backflip from it. He lands crouched on his feet, his breath coming from his gaping mouth in harsh pants," Get away from there...! Mikey -"

April quickly scuttles down the fire escape, practically sliding down the ladder and gets to the bottom just in time to find the latter pulling a manhole cover over his head as he recedes into the sewers. She hauls the manhole cover back up with a strained grunt, panting harshly as she eases herself down the ladder and jumps past the last three rungs in an attempt to catch up with the mutant turtle. She wrinkles her nose at the foul odor, giving a slight shake of her head as begins to sprint across the wet pavement. Her fingers fumble into her pajama bottom's pockets and she yanks out her cellphone, fingers flying across the screen. She brings it to her ear just in time to hear a single ring, before a voice answers.

"April," Donatello inquires on the other end, voice alert," Are you alright - Did something happen? Oh, my poor, sweet cherry blossom - I'll be over there in two shakes of a turtle's tail -"

April cuts in sharply," I'm fine! It's Leo - Does he sleepwalk that you know of?"

There's a brief pause, before the purple cladded turtle answers uncertainly," Well, he used to there for a while, when we were little. We couldn't have been more than five, er, maybe six...? I don't even remember it," He sighs aloud, the signal crackling," I just hear stories from Raph. Why...? Is he - ?"

"Yes," The human girl exclaims with a hiss," He somehow managed to blindly front flip out of my window, and now he's taking me on a tour of the sewers! What do I do? I heard that it's dangerous to wake up sleepwalkers, but if I don't act soon he's going to end up wandering into open traffic and end up on Channel Six News!"

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