| Chapter Two |

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I have been waiting in my room for Drake since he told me he would "deal with me later." I start to feel bad, I know disrespecting an Alpha is a huge no-no. Especially to Drake, he strongly believes in respecting higher ranks. I just do not understand why he did not side with me! He knows my past with Dylan, I told him everything. It is not fair, he is being so different lately. This morning was the first time in a while that it felt like us again until stupid Dylan had to interrupt us and ruin the moment.

I hear a knock at the door. "Come in," I say sitting up already knowing who it is. As Drake walks in I could tell he is stressed, he even looked a little scared. I decide I would be nice and make the conversation easier for him by apologizing. "Drake, I am so sorry. I know I should not disrespect an Alpha like that. I let my feelings get ahead of me, he just makes me so... ughhh! He is mean and gets under my skin. Then he called me names, I had to defend myself! Please forgive me Drake," I say giving him puppy dog eyes. He sits down on my bed and I move to his lap and straddle him. I snuggle my head on his neck and breathe in his amazing scent. "I am sorry..."

He sighs and grabs my hand, "It is okay Rae. I am sorry I yelled at you. I did get on him for calling you such false names when you left." He touches my face gently, "You are my delicate little flower, and anyone who sees different is an idiot. You know how he gets though, he is hot headed and will go to war over anything because he knows his pack is the strongest. He threatened to kill you if he saw you again." He pauses as if bracing himself for impact, "You must go beg for his forgiveness tomorrow." My eyes grow wide and I jump off his lap.

I do not want to see that asshole again! How could Drake agree to this? "What?! Drake no! I am not going to apologize for defending myself. Nothing I said was false, you just said that, it is not fair! He is the one who should be begging for forgiveness, not me! Please do not make me go, it is my birthday tomorrow and he will ruin it. Please Drake, not tomorrow, I will do anything." Drake knows how important tomorrow is, why is he being so unfair?

He does not respond right away, obviously thinking about what to say next. I then huff and turn around not wanting to look at him. "Come here Rae," he says in his Alpha tone knowing it turns me on, but not when I am legit mad. As I walk back over to him, I could tell something is wrong, but he has not been talking to me like he used to. I kneel in front of him and rest my arms on his knees to prop my head up making sure he can see my upset eyes. I hope if he sees how upset he is making me, then maybe he will not make me go. "I know tomorrow is your birthday, but I must protect this pack and I hope you can understand that. Even if I have to force you, you will go. I just hope you will go on your own free will." I look down at the floor not liking this side of him, but I do understand we must protect the pack. He lifts my chin back up and shows a weak smile. "Talk to me babe, what is wrong?"

As I look in his brown eyes, I cannot help the tear roll down my face. I am so in love with him, but maybe he does not feel the same. "I miss the happy and loving you, Drake. You seem distant lately and I feel like you do not want me anymore," I say, unable to hold in the whimper that escapes. I have always hated to cry in front of people, but I feel safe in front of him. He understand me and accepts me and my many emotions. I still cannot help but look down at the ground, ashamed that is what I have been thinking.

"Oh baby, no..." He says with guilt in his voice, he brought me up to his lap and hugs me tight. "I am sorry I have been distant towards you as of late. Tomorrow we find out if I am your mate or not and I am scared you might not be. You know I lost one mate before and I pray to the moon goddess that she gave me you as a second mate. I do not want you to fall for anyone else when I have fallen hopelessly for you." I look up at him confused with his last words.

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