| Chapter Nine |

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I wake up feeling someone's arm around my waist and a shirtless chest against my cheek. I slowly look up to see the owner of this nice chest and I see him, then all at once, the memory floods my mind. From looking for Drake at the house, the rogue in the woods, Dylan killing him, to being... marked. Then it really hit me, Alpha Dylan, the man I hate more than anything on this earth, is my mate and he marked me before I could even attempt to stop him.

I cannot stay with him, I will not.

I gently wiggle my way out of Dylan's strong hold, trying my best not to wake him up. When I finally make it out of the bed, I tip toe over to the door. I look back at him to make sure he is still asleep as I push down the handle preparing to run. However, the door refuses to open when I pull, I try pushing, but it is clear that he locked us in. He must have known I would not stay. I have to give it to him, he is a smart guy.

"Good morning, babe," he says making me jump in surprise. I turn to see him getting off the bed and start to make his way towards me. I stand frozen, unsure of what I could possibly do. I quickly look around for any other escape route; three doors, most likely bathroom and closets; three large windows, easy escape except for the fact I see the top of tree outside, meaning I am at least on the second floor, long fall. I feel his arms wrap back around me pulling me closer, oddly feeling complete again. "I hope you slept well, my love."

He kisses the top of my head and I get angry, I hate him! "I want to go back home, Dylan. Unlock the door, now!" I command, but it only makes him growl and push me against the door. Our faces were close enough that I felt every breath he took. I feel my wolf jumping inside, filled with excitement as my heart beats rapidly. I hate that my wolf and body are betraying me, and I hate that he can tell.

He leans close to my ear and moves my hair to the side. "This is your home now," he pauses to look me in the eyes. "Raise your voice at me again and you will regret it," he says grabbing my ass. My wolf loves it, but I, on the other hand, do not. By instinct, I slap him hard across the face, maybe I should make this a daily thing. Which reminds me of how I punched Drake, these Alphas are no match for me.

He backs up surprised, then starts to shake in anger at my disrespect. That did not hold me back though, "You are disgusting! This will never be my home and you will never be my mate, Dylan! Now let me out of here !" I instantly regret my actions when he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. 

I thrash around hitting his back continuously, demanding him to let me down. I notice he is walking towards the bed, and I panic. "Tut, tut, tut. I hate to have to punish you so soon in our relationship, but that mouth of yours. Not to mention that is the second time you laid your hands on me. You must learn, Raelyn." He drops me on the bed and crawls on top of me. I struggle against him while fighting the tears daring to escape, I do not want to lose my virginity like this and not with him.

I scream hoping that someone would hear and help me, but no one came. "Dylan, let me go! Please! I do not like this, please!" I beg, but it does not help.

He reaches out to touch my face, but I jerk away not wanting any more contact with him. "Babe, do not make this any worse for yourself."

I realize he is not going to let me go and the tears finally begin to show. "Please, Alpha Dylan. I am sorry for disrespecting you," I say giving up. "I am sorry! But Dylan, please, I do not want to be here. Let me go back." My cries become harder and uncontrollable as I continue to wiggle and try to get out of his strong grip. He is not touching me or trying to take advantage of me, he is just holding me down so I cannot move.

My fighting begins to slow down as my body becomes weak again. He notices I am giving up slowly and he leans forward towards my face. I thought he was going to try and kiss me, I close my eyes not wanting to see his face when he moves my neck and hovers over his mark. I hear a moan, then realize that moan came from me. I did not mean to, my wolf just likes him so close to me. "I am sorry, I did not mean to," I say quietly and embarrassed.

I feel his smile grow on my neck, "Don't be sorry, sweetheart. It is flattering that we have only been together for a few hours and my touch already makes you moan like that." He connects his lips with his mark and sparks flow through my body. I have never felt anything like it, which makes me moan louder than before. As soon as the moan departs from my mouth, his mouth moves away from my neck. I look at him and instantly regret the moan, his eyes turn black and lustfully looking into my own.

I fear what is going through his mind and what he would do. He must have seen my fearful expression, "Do not worry, Rae. I will not do anything to take away your innocence until you ask me to, no, beg me to. However, that does not mean you do not turn me on, and I do not want to take you right here." I blush hard as he forces himself to get off of me. I sit up and cover myself with the comforter, I am fully clothed, yet have never felt so exposed. "I have some rules we need to go over," he says making me curious.


Sorry it has been a while since the last update! I have felt wrong everytime I went to edit/write/publish with everything happening in the world right now. I use writing as an escape and I felt like escaping what was going on in reality was ignoring it and that did not sit right with me. I still feel like we all need to continue educating ourselves and supporting the Black Lives Matter movement.

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