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"Kerry, it's time to get up." Zane tells her the next morning.

"Mmm," Kerry mumbles not wanting to wake from her wonderful dream. She dreamed that she was living with the sub commander of the death angels and not her family. She doesn't want to wake from that dream to her reality.

"Kerry, we'll be late if you don't get up soon." Zane says patiently, he's already ready to go.

Kerry just snuggles even further into the blankets. Zane thinks it cute so doesn't get angry.

Finally he takes the blankets off and just picks her up. "Zane, what are you doing?"

"Oh, you decided to wake up now, did you? You need to get ready, it's almost time to go." Zane says and sets her down. He helps her brush her hair and put it into a braid.

"Zane, where'd you learn to braid hair?" Kerry asks innocently. Death angels don't have families and no females are death angels, at least not yet.

"I learned to braid a long time ago. It's a useful skill to have, I just took that skill and used it on your hair. I'll try some other kinds of braids later and see how it works out, if you wish." Zane says absently.

"Yes!" Kerry is excited, her family never wanted to help her with her hair. Her mother did her sisters hair, but never hers. Her father wouldn't dream of doing his children's hair, that would have been beneath him. Yet here is the sub commander of the Death Angels willing to do her hair.

Zane gives a faint smile at her exuberance and just finishes off the braid. He'd been worried that he wouldn't be able to remember how to do the simple one. He'll have to go over his notes on how to do the fancier braids before attempting them on Kerry's hair.

"Okay, we're all set here, ready to start classes, Kerry?" Zane asks standing back from Kerry and looking critically at the braid. Not bad, but not his best work either. He'll need to practice to get it back up to it's former skill, but it's good enough for now.

"Yep, all ready to go, Zane." Kerry says excitement shining in her eyes. She's wanted to go to classes for some time. She's even more excited because she'll be taking defense classes and not everyone is allowed to take those. Well, more like not everyone takes them, they are an elective, but Zane is making it part of her necessary lessons, like the death angels.

"Alrighty then, off we go." Zane picks her up and carries her out of the house and shows her the way to the gym. "After your defense class, you'll be coming to my part of the gym. Your tutor for your other classes will be there. Once you are done with your classes you'll be able to watch my classes until it's time to go. Or if you get too bored, you can practice what you learn in your defense class off to the side. Although the death angels aren't allowed to teach you, they might help you by giving you suggestions or correcting your form, but it will depend on them."

"You have a lot of classes to take?" Kerry is confused, as the Sub Commander she didn't think that he would have a lot of classes.

"I don't take classes, love, I teach them. I teach the more advanced classes and there are several of them." Zane says kneeling down by his ward. Her eyes are huge, Zane smiles at her. "I'm afraid that the classes usually run pretty late."

"That's alright. I can watch. I like watching and I can learn by watching." Kerry says smiling. "I know that you can't teach me directly, but there's no rule about learning by watching is there?"

Zane chuckles, "No, little one, there isn't any rule about learning by watching. I would teach you if I could, but..."

"There is a rule about teaching non death angles, I know." Kerry says, but smiles at Zane any way. All angels are allowed to learn to fight, but the death angels are the elite warriors and so learn more than the regular angels. They learn how to fight against those with abilities, Kerry thinks it silly that all angels can't learn that, but she's not the one that makes the rules.

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