Epilogue 8

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Zane holds to Kerry's hand tightly. Neither one notices as Alistair joins them. "Whatchya watching?"

"Ahh, Alistair, how lovely, please join us." Father says genially. "We are watching Zane's parents after he was killed."

"You were killed? Wow, how did that happen? I didn't think any one was better than you."

"He was on his human mission and his mother was forced to have an abortion." Kerry says softly.

Alistair turns white. "Forgive me, Zane. I meant no disrespect to you."

"None taken and no reason to forgive you. You had no way of knowing. Would you like to watch with us?"

Alistair looks uncertainly from Zane to Father to Kerry. Finally he nods his head slowly.

"The young lady fighting with her parents is his mother." Father whispers to the new comer.

"She's beautiful, but very young." Alistair is older than the human female below. They all are, but he even looks older than the young human.

"She drugged me and forced me to have the abortion, father. I refuse to have anything to do with this  bitch from here on out. If you don't let me leave then I refuse to have anything to do with you either."

The four watch as the girl leaves the room not even looking at the furious female she leaves behind or the thoughtful looking male.

The male looks at the female with malicious glee. "Well you've really done it this time Jeanne. She well and truly hates you. As do I." The man takes out a paper. "Your eviction notice. Have a lovely life Jeanne."

Kerry and the others look to Father for further information. "He handed her formal separation papers to legally separate from her. He's already taken steps for a divorce but anticipates that Jeanne will prolong the divorce for years so has her sign the separation papers to make sure that he's not held liable for any legal action from that day forth."

"What the hell is this, Mark?"

"Separation papers. You will sign those. The longer it takes you to sign the less I will be willing to give you in the divorce. You will be able to choose any of the residences we currently own, minus this one for your own and take your car and all clothes and personal items, such as makeup, perfumes and jewels. Other than that anything you take or destroy will be taken off the final divorce settlement." Mark coos to her, stopping her sharply from throwing the expensive vase that she had in her hands.

"You might want to start packing. You only have two hours before I have you escorted off the property by the police." Mark holds his hand out for the paper the reluctant female signs and hands back to him.

Jeanne had signed a prenup before their marriage. She can't afford to have the police come to escort her from the property. Not if she wishes for anything in the divorce.

"I'll take the beach house in Miami." Jeanne says, the most expensive of their other properties.

"Very well. I'll have the deed signed over to you and sent to that address as long as all other factors are kept."

Jeanne looks at him in fear. "What factors?"

Mark smiles darkly, "The divorce, darling, the divorce." With that Jeanne storms out of the room.

The focus shifts from there to Zane's mother. "Brad, I need you to come over. I have something to tell you."

Brad frowns at the sound of Emily crying into the phone. "I'll be over just as soon as I can, leaving now."

They watch as the young couple meets. Brad pulls the sobbing girl into his arms. "What is it, Emily?"

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