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Years go by, young Alistair spends a great deal of time watching the death angels along side of Kerry and together they learn a great deal. Alistair becomes like an older brother to Kerry and with him she meets other regular angels.

This makes Zane both jealous and easier at heart. Jealous because he loves Kerry and selfishly wants as much of her attention as he can have. But at the same time it makes him easier at heart because he feels that soon his mission will be called and he'll have to leave his young ward. 

Father has let them have several years together and she has grown up into a fine young angel. His soft smile at thinking about her turns to an angry frown when he thinks about the young angels that always swarm about her now. None of the male angels are good enough for her, of that he's certain. 

Well none of them except perhaps Alistair. But he knows that Alistair thinks of Kerry as a sister just as he knows that Kerry thinks of Alistair as a brother.

Alistair had been placed into a home where the couples only child had chosen to follow Lucifer. They had been heart broken and were devastated on Alistair's behalf when they found out his family had left him to follow the pretender as well. They had lavished all their love on him and he'd blossomed into a fine man. His interests went heavily into protection and that had been no surprise to Zane.

Alistair had soared in his defense classes, again no surprise to Zane. Alistair spent hours watching and by watching learning from the death angels. It was the only way the death angels could teach Alistair or Kerry and they made sure that when they practiced that Alistair and Kerry could see what and how they were doing what they were doing. Other death angels would stand nearby and explain out loud the why and how things were done. Since they were talking to other death angels, they weren't breaking the rules.

All the death angels had taken to Kerry immediately and soon after Alistair. They'd seen his potential and so did their best to hone it.

Zane is taking a rare, but needed break in the lovely sunshine, with Alistair and Kerry not too far from him. "You've done a fine job teaching them both, raising them both, Zane. I am well pleased."

Zane hurriedly stands up, "Father, forgive me, I didn't realize you were there."

Father smiles down on Zane, "There is no reason to be flustered, Zane." Father motions to the two young adult angels mingling with other angels not too far away. "You've done a fine job with both of them. I am very well pleased with what you've done, given the limitations that were placed on you."

Zane gets a slightly sickly cast to his face, "You knew that they were being taught by the death angels."

Father laughs softly. "But of course. This is my kingdom, Zane, I know what is going on. You did as I had hoped with Kerry, but you taking Alistair under your wing was a bonus. You had no reason to do so and yet you did. You and the other death angels did your best to teach them both given the restrictions and they were both intelligent enough to take the teachings and soar."

"You aren't upset then?" Zane sighs and relaxes.

"Upset? Hardly," Father lets out what sounded like a snort, but Zane didn't think Father would ever do something like that, so he must be mistaken.

"I want all of my children to be the best that they can. It saddens me beyond belief that so many chose to follow Lucifer and even more succumb to his temptations once they leave and go on their missions. Then there are those that have decided that they aren't strong enough to even attempt their mission, that saddens me almost as much as losing those that follow Lucifer."

"Because they can never reach their full potential," Zane whispers to himself, but Father nods.

"Yes, exactly. They will always be angels and never anything more." Father lets his voice trail off.

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