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The night on which the extraordinary adventures... of these children may be said to have begun... was the night Bianca wandered over to the window.
"Cinderella flew through the air... far from all things ugly and ordinary. When she landed at the ball, she found herself... most impertinently surrounded by pirates." Wendy told her story as her blueish greenish eyes filled with wonder, and her brown hair got in her face, "There was Alf Mason, so ugly his mother sold him for a bottle of Muscat. Bill Jukes, every inch of him tattooed. And worst of them all," Wendy paused for added suspense, "Hook, with eyes blue as forget-me-nots, save when he clawed your belly with the iron hook he has... instead of a right hand, at which time... his eyes turn red."
""Girlie," said Hook, "we have come for ye glass slippers."" John said as he held his sword in front of him in an offensive stance. John was the second youngest of the darling children, with brown hair and bangs, brown eyes, and glasses.
"Who be you to order me about and call me girlie? Take that!"
"Take that!"
"Take that!"
"Hook came at her."
"What happened then? What happened then?" Micheal asked, clearly excited with everything happening around him.
"The brave Cinderella settled the matter once and for all... with her revolver."
"With her revolver?" But Bianca, the strangest of the four Darling children, with brown shoulder length hair, and misty brown eyes, was barely listening to the story, for she felt a strange sensation, as if she was being watched. She stood up from her bed, and slowly walked towards the window. What she didn't know, was that her siblings were watching her curiously, for whenever Bianca acted strange, it usually meant that an adventure was on its way. As Bianca slowly approached the window, a slight light caught her eye, and she started running! But when she got there, it was gone.
But there was nothing there, not a bird or a leaf. So the children forgot about it, for what troubles a grown-up will never trouble a child.

Bianca. The Fourth Darling.Where stories live. Discover now