Introduction - part 1

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Here we go. I left everything behind. My friends, the few members of my family that are gonna still live there. All of this is happening because of a trafic incident : my father's death. He had a car accident and had been in a coma for months before passing away, despite all the good medical treatments that he had got from the doctors.

Nonethless, I'm sad that he's not here anymore. I wasn't really close with him, all his work jours that he needed to do so we didn't die of hunger, despite being necessary, probably caused our uncloseness. I was closer of him that I am of my mom, even with the lack of communication that existed between the two of us. What devastated me the most was the fact that I couldn't talk to him anymore in my whole life on Earth. My religious self know that I'll see him in heaven and I'm glad that this place exists. My dad was a really good person, so I already know he's there. I'll do everything I can to see him again in heaven after this long and exhausting journey called life. I really hope that my new city has a church near my house, even better : 2 minutes of walk away, like it was what was required to walk to go to the one in my natal city. This is where I go when my thoughts, mostly bad ones, are overwhelming to the extend that I don't know what else to do. I can spend hours praying for my mistakes, the ones that I love and the things that make me happy. Religion is one of them : it's so pure and it makes me feel alive. I don't care about what people think about it, as long as it feels right for me, I'm going along with it.

On another subject, I'm anxious about school. I've always been popular at my old school. Nonethless, it wasn't really for the good reasons. People were talking nicely to me, but most of them did it to use me because of my good grades or to attract girls. Sometimes, both. Because yes, some people of both genders find me attractive. I could pratically get anyone, but deep down I know I'm more attracted to guys than girls. I wouldn't say I'm gay, because I've loved some girls in my life, so bi is a better term to describe my sexuality. I have never been in a real relationship, only had a bit of fooling around or spontaneous kisses. I don't know if people are gonna be as selfish as they were where I lived or will genuinely like me. I don't know if I'm gonna find someone, a girl or a boy, to be in a relationship with.  I won't force things to be something they aren't and I'll let them fall into places. I've got faith that it's gonna be a fresh start, both for my mom and I.

I've forgot to mention the reason why we decided to move away, far away from my whole life by nos. In fact, I didn't really have anything to say, because my mon thought it was only her decision to make, which wasn't. I would live with the consequences of her sudden need to be away from her past, and that bothers me. I'm not eighteen yet, this birthday that is gonna make me an adult being a year and a half away. As I said, I think and hope it's gonna be a fresh start, but I'm afraid we'll regret doing this and then it's gonna be too late.

So, tomorrow, I'm gonna start in a new school named Liberty High School, which is ironic because that's what my mom wanted by moving away. And yes, my mom has decided, despite my begs to wait until the end of the school year, that I would be in a new school in the middle of their year.

It's gonna be awkward.

Hello! It's me! This is my new storyyyy!

If there's any trigger, I'll put warnings before the chapter. Also, English isn't my first language so be nice.

Also, this book is gonna have longer chapters and is gonna be in another style of writing : deeper in the thoughts of the characters. I'm gonna work really hard to make it good. And I'll upload when I have the time, as often as possible but not every day like before.

-Laurence (aka Lalu)

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