First kiss

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"Senku don't leave please, can you just stay out here a little longer maybe"
"Why? I thought you were freezing to death a minuit ago, "
"Ahaha well yes...but your coat really helped"

They both felt a little awkward for a bit. neither knew what to say. Senku walked back towards gen, Sighing a little because he knew he would no longer be able to sleep anyway even  if he tried so he might as-well stay with gen till morning.
"We shouldn't go back inside now, we will probably wake the others up and it's nearly morning anyway" Senku said to gen.
Gen, who was still shivering from the cold despite ha m saying he was fine, looked up at him.
,"Senku chan" gen started, in a much more nervous manner this time. Senku looked at him realising the mentalists face had become completely red and flustered again. It looked cute like that senku thought to himself. Gen continued to pause before quickly blurting out in a mumbled voice
; "It's alright to like other boys, right?"

Senku almost choked on his own saliva in suprise after hearing the question. It came out of absolutely no where.

He took a few moments to establish the what he had just said and think up a response . Then Randomly replie "Woah your not trying to hit on me are you Gen?! Hahaha" Senku joked nervously, immediately realising it probably wasn't the best thing to say in the situation. "Ahaha sorry only joking" Senku continued in a quieter more serious voice "But obviously it's fine to like other boys duh, I'm not gonna go into the science of it cuz I'm sure you can't bothered to hear that, but long story short it makes no difference what your sexual preference is, it's still love " senku continued, cringing slightly at his own words.
"A-and how do you know if you do like males or not... " gen continued nervously. Senku continued to blush at this awkward conversation which he wasn't totally sure how to react to.
"I would of thought you would know more about this stuff, since your supposed to be a mentalist and everything" Senku joked. indeed gen did know the answer to his question. He most definitely did like boys, and more specifically he liked the one standing right in front of him. He just wanted to here it from senku himself for some reason.
"Well I guess if you really want to know the answer to your question -" Senku started, his voice was now nervous too. "We can always test it ".
What is he saying? Gen was thinking. He felt confused, what was this scientist up to know?

Before gen could even process his friends words; the scientist suddenly stepped much closer to him. So close that he could feel the warmth of his breath against his cheek. Now the mentalists heart was pounding out of control. Senku drew even closer so that their lips gently pressed together into a slow kiss. Gen didn't even have time to take a breath in.
Had Senku ever even kissed any one before? He seemed to be doing it right anyway.

Gen could feel his friends hand softly holding his cheek , while the scientists other hand was leaning on the tree he was pressed up against. He didn't expect senkus skin to be so smooth and soft either as he elegantly continued to run his hands through gen's hair. He felt Senku push himself slightly closer, so that their body's were also pressed up against each other. As they continued it seemed all time had stopped.

It didn't last for too long and after a few
Seconds Senku drew away from the kiss only
Leaving his hand playing with a strand of gen's hair. Gen didn't know what to think; the man of his dreams that he never believed he could even talk to had just kissed him. He could see a slight blush on senkus face too. Really cute.

"Well?" Senku instantly said "how did that feel?". Gen started choking in surprise at the question,
"W-what??" He replied in a surprised tone
"You asked me how to tell if you like boys or not, so.. do you?"
"Ahaha I don't think it really works like that senku chan.." Senku sighed and looked away.
"Well I'll leave you to work that out yourself then anyway, so see ya!" Senku said, starting to walk away again.
"Wait where are you going Senku?" Senku turned and looked back at the mentalist in confution. "I thought you said you would stay here" Gen replied.

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds as gen paused in order to muster up the courage to say something .
"I- Um, er about the kiss... I did enjoy it... very much acctually so please stay"
senkus eyes lit up when he heard those words from behind him, and couldn't help but to let out a small blush again. He had enjoyed it too.

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