(2) Sore loser

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Requested by: N/A
AUs: None
Prompt: Hop loses to Bede in a tight battle. As Bede starts to brag and rub his victory in Hop finally loses his temper and attempts to stand up to his rival. Unfortunately, his crush on Bede gets in the way of things, leading to a lot of romantic tension between the two of them. (Note: this takes place when the protagonist and Hop meet Bede outside of Motostoke and the two of them go off to battle. I couldn't remember what their teams looked like at this point in the game so sorry if I've gotten stuff wrong-)
Warnings: VERY mild nsfw,, just making out 0-0
"Hatterene, use Mystical Fire!" Bede ordered, voice echoing across the open field. His Pokemon sent swirling flames straight at the opponent

"Rillaboom dodge it!" Hop shouted. However, before his partner could leap out of the way the fire crashed straight into his body. It was super effective. Once the smoke cleared away his Rillaboom laid on the floor, fainted. He had no Pokemon left that could fight. "Dammit.."

Bede panted. They'd been battling for ages, taking out the others Pokemon one by one. His Hatterene was on low hp, one more hit and his winning streak against Hop would've ended. He smirked. "Thank you Hatterene, you battled well." He spoke, pulling out her pokeball. A red beam of light flashed out and returned his partner to the safety of the round capsule.

"Hmph, it seems that I've won again Hop. I have to reluctantly admit you've grown stronger but I will always be the stronger trainer, no matter what you try to throw at my Pokemon." Bede mocked as he walked closer to Hop. His rival looked distraught, amber eyes swimming with conflicting emotions. "Anyways, I'll take my winnings now and let your losing streak sink in. I don't understand why I wasted my time battling you again since we knew who was going to win before we even-"

"Shut your gob!" Hop blurted out, meeting Bede's lilac gaze

Bede was taken aback. "Pardon? Since when were you a sore loser." He chuckled nervously. This was a first. Hop had never lashed out in anger before

"I'm not a sore loser! I'm just sick of you running your mouth about beating me!" Hop stepped closer, shouting right at Bede's face. Their faces were separated by only a few inches of air.

Bede's face illuminated with a rosy red blush. "Get away from me!" He shouted, shoving against Hop's chest and stepping back again, only to feel the cold stone wall of the wild area's border. "It's not my fault that you're such a pathetic Pokemon trainer! Some people are stronger than you, idiot!"

Hop clenched his fists. The temptation to just smack the fuck out of his rival was high. "Well I don't see Leon purposely making Raihan feel terrible about himself after beating him again!" He snapped back. His brother made Pokemon battles seem easy. He won them constantly and at the end of every one he thanked the challenger for an amazing battle; how come it was so different for him?

"That's because Raihan is a decent challenger. You, you're nothing. You win nothing. Your brother must be so disappointed." Bede continued to mock and tease, attempting to stand his ground. In reality his face was burning up, looking up at the taller boy, clearly intimidated. He could feel Hop's hot, angry breath against his face and it sickened him. They were so close now.

Hop tensed up, shooting daggers at the platinum blond trainer in front of him. "Shut up!!" Without any rational thinking he smashed his lips against Bede's

Bede's entire body froze in pure shock. It shut him up alright. Slowly his brain began to process that Hop was kissing him, causing him to blush and frantically push him away. "What the fuck are you doing?! Get off me you madman!"

Hop grunted as he was pushed away. Why the hell did he do that? Out of all the ways he could've handled this situation he used kissing. Well, it worked, and it didn't involved violence. "Just stop talking!" He grabbed Bede's shoulders and kissed him again, cheeks flushing with a dark red

Bede continued to struggle, not wanting to submit to such torture. He kissed back but not with love or passion. Instead the touch turned aggressive. He tried to push Hop away, shoving against his chest and soft lips, whilst the other continued to push him up against the wall. He could've easily pulled away or kicked Hop in the shins at any moment but he didn't. If he had to be painfully honest, the lingering taste of bitter berries drew him in

Eventually Hop pulled away, breathing heavily. His amber eyes glowed with frustration. Dammit. He actually enjoyed that.

The two boys were silent for a while, breathing into each other's faces, eyes locked together in a bemused trance. It was only when they heard a voice around the corner that Bede kicked Hop in the leg to get him away.

"Hop! Get yer ass over here, we've gotta get to Hammerlocke, Sonia's waiting." Gloria's voice called from around the corner.

Hop quickly moved away from Bede, rubbing his sore shin and flashing a glare at the guy he was just making out with. "Sorry mate, I'll be over in a moment." He shouted back.

Gloria looked at the scene in front of her. Bede was hiding his face in his coat, blushing like no tomorrow. Hop seemed to be in a similar state only he was clearly trying to brush things off. Her eyes narrowed. Suspicious. "Mhm, right, I'll meet ye at the bridge. Don't be too long."

Hop sighed, watching her go before facing Bede again. "Hey uh-"

"Let's just pretend that never happened, ok?" He snapped, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his big pink coat. "And don't tell anyone, especially Gloria."

Hop nodded in agreement. He wouldn't be surprised if Gloria questioned why their 'battle' went on for so long. "Sounds like a great plan." He adjusted the straps on his backpack and started to walk away. Then he paused, looking over his shoulder. "Did I win that battle?"

Bede blinked in surprise. Then he huffed, hiding in his coat again. "Hmph, I suppose you did." He grumbled

Hop grinned playfully. "Glad to hear it! See you around, Bede." He waved over and then ran off, yelling Gloria's name

Bede let out an irritated sigh. After this he wanted to hate Hop even more. Instead he found himself becoming infatuated with his rival..

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