(5) Sweet relief

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Requested by: @/justintimberriver (and my good friend @/squidilton helped me out)
AUs: None
Prompt: After months of hesitation and advice from Opal, Bede decides that it's time to confess his feelings to Hop.
Warnings: None

The clock on his wall ticking away was the only sound to fill the quiet room. Bede's mind was fogged with anxiety. It had been 2 months since he began to realise that he had romantic feelings for none other than Hop. At first, they were subtle, occasionally popping into his mind when he was walking around town. However, as time progressed they started to distract him in the middle of gym battles, leading to a few defeats.

Opal noticed this and decided to step in. Bede didn't want her help and promised her that it was just a phase; it would blow over eventually. Two weeks later he found himself crying into the old woman's shoulder because he saw a bunch of girls cooing over Hop during a tournament.

He glanced over at the clock. 5 minutes. Through Opal's persuasion he'd plucked up enough courage to ask Hop to come over and, of course, he agreed.

The plan was to watch a film, maybe order some takeaway or raid the cupboards for snacks as well, and once it was over he would hopefully confess. Despite Opal's weird lectures on how to flirt he had no idea how to bring up the conversation. Did he just say it bluntly? Did he make it less obvious? It all depended on how oblivious Hop was.

Before he knew it, there was a knock at the door. "Bede dear, he's here!" Opal called from downstairs.

"Fuck.." Bede mumbled. He didn't want to do this. What if he said the wrong thing at the wrong time? What if Hop didn't feel the same way? It hadn't been long since they considered each other as enemies-


"Alright I'm coming!" He shouted, standing up from his bed and brushing a hand through his fluffy hair. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs Opal hit him in the back with her umbrella. "Ow- hey what was that for!?"

"Fix your posture, young man. You were slouching again." She scolded. "Now, I promise I won't interfere with your big moment. Remember everything I told you?"

Bede nodded, sighing shakily as he rubbed his sore back. "Yes Ms Opal.."

There was another knock on the door. "Well go on then, let him in." Opal gave Bede a crooked smile before walking off. Where she was going was a mystery and he chose not to question what the retired gym leader did in her spare time. God knows what that woman got up to.

He opened the door. Hop was standing there, looking around with a slightly worried expression which faded once he saw Bede. "Hey Bede! I got worried for a second there, I thought you weren't at home.."

Bede's shoulders stiffened as his cheeks went red. "Sorry, Opal was making a fuss over me." He stepped to the side. "Come on in."

Hop stepped inside and immediately began to look around the rather small house. The walls were pastel pink and the rooms were decorated with white, blue and purple furniture. Anyone would be able to guess that fairy type users lived in this house. "Interesting decor." He commented

"I thought the same thing when I first came in here. You get used to it eventually." Bede spoke, following Hop into the living room. Ok, what was the first step? Compliment his appearance? How the hell am I supposed to focus on one part of his body!? "Uh- your shirt is nice!"

Hop looked over his shoulder and then down at the shirt he was wearing. It was black and had a Snorlax face on the front. "Hm? Oh thank you! I bought it last weekend." He smiled. "Anyways, what do you wanna do?"

Bede X Hop oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now