Chapter Two:

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“Charlotte honey?” My mother’s voice echoed up the stairs, “You home?”

“Damn it.” I exclaimed. “Quick Tyler, hide,” But when I turned to face him, he was already gone. I smiled to myself as I heard my mum making her way up the staircase.

“Yeah, I’m here.” I replied, slipping out of my bedroom to meet her in the hall.

“You're going to need to stay at Katie’s this evening, I’ve already spoken with her mother.”

I tried to hide my excitement at the prospect of spending the night at my best friend’s house, as if with the wrong expression, she might change her mind.

“Whatever for?” I queried with a high pitched voice. 

“Robert’s friend, Tyler, he’s back from his 6 month border patrol over at the East end, and I’m inviting him for dinner.” She paused then added, “It’s more of an adult’s evening.”

I hated the small age gap between Tyler and me. It was only 2 years, but according to compound law, he was an adult and I was a child. You are a child until the day that you turn 18, then you’re allocated a job and officially become a part of the workforce. If my mother found out about us, she would do everything within her power to ensure that I never saw him again.

“I need to invite Tyler and run a few other errands, don’t be here when I return.”

“Okay, bye!"

The second she left the house I sauntered back to my bedroom. Tyler was emerging from my wardrobe and I laughed as he stumbled out awkwardly.

“I’ve never liked your mother, no offence.” Tyler took my hands in his.

I laughed, “None taken, you might want to get home though. She’s on her way there now.”

“What? why?”

“To invite you to her exclusive ‘adult’s night’ to celebrate your return.”

He groaned. “But I want to celebrate my return with you.” He pointed his index finger to my chest.

“We can do that too,” I smiled before pressing my lips to his.

“I thought I had to get back home?” Tyler said against my lips.

“I changed my mind,” I continued, cheekily, “But if you want to leave.” I leaned back from him and took a step back. "By all means."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards him. “Never.”

We backed into my room, and within 5 minutes Tyler had ‘misplaced’ his shirt. All of his patrol work left him with a defined set of abs. I ran my fingers over them and he sighed.

“As much as I hate to do this, I really should get going.”

I pouted. “I’m at Katie’s tonight. Drop by after dinner?”

He smiled and kissed me. “I promise.”

My afternoon went by rather uneventfully, I packed some things for the night and stood at the door pondering whether I’d forgotten anything. Rob had since returned and I said goodbye to him before setting off down the road to Katie’s. 

Katie Stanford and I were polar opposites; while I was short and skinny, she was tall and softer around the edges. My hair was a dark brown and straight, hers was blonde and curly. I had grey-green eyes and freckles sprinkled across my nose, while her skin appeared airbrushed only interrupted by eyes that were a piercing honey-brown.

I came to Katie’s driveway and started off towards her door. Before I placed my hand on the door knob, it flew open.

“Took your time!”

Katie stood before me beaming. She was struggling to restrain her wild curls into a pony-tail with an industrial looking hairbrush. 

“Hey K!”

I followed her inside her concerningly organised house. It was spotless, and each item was perfectly in place down to the coasters sitting on the coffee table. 

“Katie, is that you?” Her mum poked her head out from the kitchen. “Oh, Charlotte! How are you honey?”

“Good thank you, Mrs Stanford, and you?”

“Oh I’m fine, you girls enjoy yourselves.”

Katie rolled her eyes, grabbed my hand, and dragged me upstairs.

“She’s not quite been the same since dad started his patrol,” Katie noted, “And it wasn’t like you with Tyler. It’s worse. But she tries to deny it.”

I nodded slowly. It was always uncertain whether anyone would return from patrol. It was the compound's most dangerous job, and so many didn't come back. I’d never been told about what lies beyond the compound gates. But seeing as over 200 people from just one community are on rotation for patrol, it can’t be good. I tried asking Tyler about it once, after his first patrol. He went white as a sheet, and said one sentence; “I wish I could forget.”

I didn’t bring it up again.

“Speaking of Tyler. Wait- sorry, I mean about your mum. She’ll be fine. But yeah, Tyler. He’s back.”

“Yeah I know, stupid, that’s why you’re here.”

“Oh, right. Sorry! Anyway, would you mind if–“

“Ooo,” Katie squealed, interrupting me. She dropped her voice to a conspirator’s whisper. “He’s coming tonight isn’t he?”

I nodded.

She gave a sly smile. “Do you remember Hunter Faylen?

“The one you’ve been obsessing over since primary school? Nope doesn’t ring a bell.”

She rolled her eyes at my sarcasm.

“He was in Tyler’s patrol group, and apparently they’re really close now.” Katie continued.


“Do you think Tyler could possibly…”

“Wait, you want Tyler to set you up with Hunter?”

She put her hands up in front of her, “Hey! Well, if you want to put it that way,” She trailed off and we both started giggling. She had been my best friend since we were small children. We knew everything there was to know about each other. 

“I’ll ask him.”

“Oh, Charlotte Rosemary Rowell, I love you!”

I cringed slightly at the mention of my middle name.

“Come on,” I rolled my eyes, “Let’s watch a movie."

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