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Uraraka's Pov

*i run back to my room and slam the door and bury my face into my pillow still as red as a tomato* Why why why why why why am I getting this feeling why did I run when she asked that, I don't have a crush on Deku at least I don't think I do I mean do I? I'm always flustered around him and when he was shirtless I thought he was kinda hot.... AAHHHH WHY AM I STILL THINKING ABOUT THAT I THOUGHT I GOT OVER IT

(Meanwhile back down stairs)

Midoriya: i'm scared for what will happen if i say truth so dare

Mina: *she grins* Alright then how about you go upstairs and ask Uraraka what's up?

Midoriya: W-what? *he says in a panicked tone*

Mina: What do you not speak English? I said go ask Uraraka what's wrong

Midoriya: I-UH OKAY FINE*he says in a nervous and panicked voice*

Mina: *She looks over at Kaminari and mouths "mission accomplished"*

The green haired boy starts to walk up stairs pondering with his thought

Midoriya: okay cmon Midoriya just cause shes kinda cute doesnt means you have a crush on her just go upstairs and ask her what's wrong listen to her help and then leave and act like nothing happened *arrives at Uraraka's room and knocks on the door*

*i hear the knocking and reluctantly decide to open the door*

Midoriya: Hey Uraraka you rushed out earlier, what's up?

*My face goes even redder than it was before* What is he doing here!??!! Now of all time but why am I freaking out over him does this mean... no that's impossible N-n-nothings wrong D-deku i just got some things on my mind

Midoriya: You don't seem fine, can i come in? *he says in a worried tone*

Dammit why do you have to be so kind and caring S-sure *i move out of the way letting him in*

Midoriya:*walks in and sits on her bead* So what's wrong your face is really red and you ran out on truth or Dare I actually got dared to come ask you but I planned on doing that anyways

I uh j-just wasn't comfortable with the question

Midoriya:*thinks back to what Mina asked* oh... yeah I guess that was kinda invading your privacy a little to much especially since All of 1A was there

*i go and sit down next to him bringing my knees backup to my face* Y-yeah

Midoriya: *lifts her head* cmon dont be like you can talk to me

*My face goes as redder than anyone thought was possible* So close

Midoriya: *realises how close he is and he back away and his face start to get as red as hers* S-sorry I got so close. Why is she so cute? What am I doing? What am I thinking?

N-no it-it's okay *i say while waving both of my hands at him*

Midoriya: ok then but still i want you to talk to me

I-it's too embarrassing to talk about for me right now maybe another time

MIdoriya: Alright then but i'm going to head back down stairs now if you want to come

No im fine for now you go on ahead and have fun with everyone else

Midoriya: Ok then Uraraka i'll see you tomorrow

Good Night Deku

Midoriya: Night *closes the door and walks back down stairs* i wonder what was on her mind hey everyone im back

Mina: Took ya long enough so what did she say? *she said with a grin on her face*

Midoriya: Nothing actually she said it was too embarrassing andplus you did ask her something really personal infront of everyone

Mina: *her grin turned to a frown* yeah i guess you're right but you two were in there for awhile so we went on ahead without you

Midoriya: Wait really we only said a couple of things

Asui: Yeah you were talking for like 20 minutes or more Ribbit

Midoriya: wow I didn't realise it was that long, sorry

Todoroki: don't apologize just come and sit back down and play with us *he starts to pat the seat next to him*

Everyone In class 1A except Uraraka and Mineta kept playing truth or dare for a few more hours and everyone decided to go to sleep but later that night

Ugh I can sleep after tonight why does Mina always have to do stuff like this to me *i get out of bed and start to head downstairs and see someone still sitting on the couch* who's there?

Midoriya:*hears a familiar voice from behind him and turns around to see Uraraka* Oh hey Uraraka You couldn't sleep either?

Why is it always him? Uh yeah i could get all that stuff off my mind so it kept me up

Midoriya: That sucks but if you ever need someone to talk to you can come to me

*giggles a little bit* Thanks Deku by the way, what are you doing?

Midoriya: Oh yeah I'm just about to watch a movie, care to join me? what am i thinking the whole reason i'm watching this right now is so i can stop thinking about her

Oh yeah sure *I go and sit near Midoriya* So what movie are you about watching

Midoriya: Back to the Future

Oooooo that's a really good movie, which one?

Midoriya: it's the first one

Alright then get it going

Midoriya:*starts the movie*

Time Skip

I haven't seen that in so long it's as good as ever

Midoriya: yeah it's one of my favorites

They both realises that as the movie went on they both kept getting closer and closer to each other

Midoriya: I-i-i uh im sorry i didnt realise

No-no-no-no-no you don't need to apologize i didn't realise i was doing it either

They both became flustered at what just happened and decide to keep watching and the both eventually fall asleep together

Alright then i'm going to end chapter 4 here guys and i hope you've enjoyed

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