16 ✙ Bloodless Battles & Empty Souls

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The dirt path seemed even longer, the suns brighter, and the wind more unpleasant. While Asa's white gem had reduced the swelling and discomfort in her ankle, she had trouble keeping her balance for long periods.

She rubbed her hands on her pants as she hobbled along. The sticky residue from her attempts at new concoctions last night refused to remove themselves from her fine scales.

While she fell into an unrefined busyness, Renvir had improved. Now knowing the origin of his disease, Asa thoroughly researched medications for the thread of Celestial Energies within him.

A Celest's thread could become worn out, torn, and such. The medic had applied some similar techniques to healing those recently. Added along with kei, she'd made a mixture that had eased his pain and shortened his flares.

A distant rumble caused Asa to look up. Above her, the clouds began to darken. The rainy season had arrived earlier this year than usual. But the thunderstorms blew over within hours instead of days. She sent a prayer of thanks to the Two. She didn't need flooding to halt her progress now.

Progress, she repeated internally. It wasn't a cure, but it was something, right? With a solid rhythm, the medic knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Renvir said.

Entering into the small home, the medic froze mid-step. The dark gray cloud around her patient had paled, and other hues shifted underneath-golds, blues, browns. They came and went in a blink, but they weren't her imagination.

"Would you like some kei?"

Renvir spoke with a slight bounce to his words. A grin tugged at her lips. She knew his symptoms had improved gradually, especially with the addition of kei shortly before his medication, but she hadn't expected this. Was she curing him?

"Yes, please," Asa said as she settled herself in one of the chairs, "You seem to be doing better today."

When the Celest went over to the counter, she noticed a slight spring in his step. He swiveled his head around to see her. Renvir smiled. The same fog that enveloped her mind in Ulani's tent overtook her, heart rate quickening.

"Asa, I have not felt this good since my demotion." His eyes shimmered. She swore the glint looked like the three suns shining in the sky. Something fluttered inside her stomach.

Perhaps she wouldn't have to eradicate him after Zienna's test. Perhaps Renvir could live. A pulse of heat fled from her heart and flooded her body. Her mind stopped, and she tightened her grip around her bag. No, she shouldn't be thinking about such things. Not until she had a cure, at least.

"You do not look pleased," he said, noticing her tightened stance.

Asa's sight focused back on her patient. His head tilted to the left. Reigning in her trailing thoughts, she reminded herself she was here to treat him until her fertile period ended. Nothing more.

"I'm sorry I just got a little sidetracked. That's great, really," the medic said. Renvir gave her a lopsided smile.

"And here I thought you were used to seeing me shirtless."

Asa's eyes widened. "No, that's not..."

The Celest attempted to strike a pose with a cheeky grin. With his two left arms on his hips, one on the chair, and a wavering stance, Asa couldn't help but giggle. He looked ridiculous.

"Are you sure?" he teased. Before Asa could answer, the chair leaned to the left, causing both him and it to fall. She laughed. Covering her mouth to hide the small snorts, she blushed a dingy brown-gray.

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