first meeting

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[ some random day ]

peter dreaded today, it was the day ben had died and that means no food and more abuse for him.  he remembers his sweet aunt may who cared for him and his uncle and loved him but then it was replaced by a aunt who did not care about his well being anymore and would hit and hit him until he was black and blue. it was all his fault if only he had stopped the robbery ben would still be here and they would be a happy family but he didn't.

peter got up already feeling drowsy and sick knowing what today is and he walked very quality around the house trying not to wake up his aunt knowing she'll get mad and hurt him. sadly that doesn't go as planned when he steps on a broken floorboard and trips and knocks down the glass vase his uncle had bought may for there anniversary and he cussed himself out in his head and heard may getting up angrily.

she walked out her room and looked down at the last thing ben bought her shattered into tiny pieces she looked at peter with anger and fury in her eyes.


"I'm sorry may i didn't mean it." peter quietly said with his voice quivering with his big doe eyes watering.

may grabbed peter's text book and threw it at him and his spidey sense went off so he moved but wasn't fast enough and got it right in the face hitting his lower eye and cheek. he looked down in shame and rubbed his cheek knowing a bruise would replace the redness soon.

"GET YOUR SHIT AND LEAVE." may said some what quieter than before but still loud for peter to make his ears ring.

peter got up and walked away in shame and grabbed all his stuff along with the money he's been saving and put it into ben's suitcase. he jumped out the window and swung to school in his spidey outfit leaving behind a note for may and some flowers and the note read....

Dear, May
I'm sorry for what i did i didn't mean to trip and break the vase and i wish i could repay you for it but i know knowing will ever change the fact that i broke it and i want you to know that i love you and even with you hitting me and hurting me it never changed the fact on how I looked up to you for taking me in and raising me as your own. I wish i hadn't got into that fight way Ben that day maybe he would still be alive it wasn't for me. I don't know where I'm going to go but I'm here May if you ever want me back. Never forget I love you and wish you the best.
Love, Peter

peter soon found himself at school next to ned and he went along his day saying the bruise was just from patrol. ned didn't question it seeing as his outfit really did not have much protection.

[ At the end of the day ]

peter walked outside and saw a black expensive looking car he thought nothing of it until a guy walked out and grabbed him he tried to get away but he had no energy left in him soon he found himself next to the one and only tony stark looking at him.

"hey kid what's wrong with your face some robber?"

"what...what are you talking about." with fake confusion lacing his voice.

"cut the crap peter i know who you are i know you're that spider-kid."

"i'm not Spider-man i'm just a regular teenager."

"really kid then what's this under your backpack pocket than." Tony said after pulling out the suit.

That's when Peter realized his backpack wasn't with him he tried to steal it but to his surprise Tony pulled it away.

"now kid you wanna talk about the bruise on your face or do i have to just check the cameras."

"Mr.Stark what cameras?" this time peter said with real confusion lacing his voice.

"kid it's tony, Mr.Stark makes me sound old anyways yeah the cameras at your apartment"

tony pulled up the cameras there was only two one behind the vase, and in his room. When peter try's to grab the hologram tony knows there's something up at his house so he plays it and watch's may throwing the book and all the other times. He looked at peter shock in his face and went to give him a hug but peter flinched thinking tony would hit him. tony's heart broke seeing the kid get so scared. tony knew what it felt like to feel worthless, and not to use. his no the kid should feel like this.

"come here kid i'm not gonna hurt you"

peter slowly moved next to him and got under tony's arms and just laid there finally feeling at peace he slowly fell asleep. tony thought about it and decided he'll give the kid a internship and he would live with him as long as he was fine with it.

"hey peter, wake up we're here"

"where are we Mr.Stark?" Peter asked with a very groggy voice.

"Stark Industries"

"why? i need to get home before May rea..." that's when Peter remembered what happened that morning and his mood dropped a lot.

"come on kid welcome to your new home and work"

"what Mr.Stark I can't take this it isn't right"

"come on kid it's for the best you know that and I mean we can work on your spider man suit I had one in the making"

"thank you Mr.Stark you're the best." that was the last thing said before peter gave tony a big hug with tears down his face and tony knew the kid was gonna be a good change in life for him.

1029 words
first chapter hope y'all like it
request by: @VanessaAguinaga
love y'all 🌙

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