why did you hide ?

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means thoughts

it's been four months since the "blip" as people called it. peter was doing terrible to say the least. he felt like he had let tony down, that he wasn't enough. every where he went he saw his face. patrol was getting harder to do, sleep and energy no longer in his body. no one seemed to notice the drop of happiness and smiles, only one person noticed that pepper. she knew how bad he was feeling and tried her very best to make him happy back to the peter everyone loved but after time she knew nothing was working.

"peter, come on you have to sleep, or at least eat something." peter wanted to ignore the nagging of his mom but he knew she was right.

"mom,i'm fine."
"come on pete i know you aren't, none of us are and it's fine to say it you don't have to hide it, come here."

peter slowly scooted closer desperate for the affection and was soon in pepper's arms with a slight smile on his face. peter soon laid his head on her lap while she ran her fingers through the teens curls. he then fell asleep to the strokes of her fingers, and the soft music playing in the back, his and tony's playlist.

pepper watched him sighing knowing he was going to be okay but she had to place a call.

"he has to see you, he's not doing good."
"pepper, you know i can't do that i'm not ready."
"well you better get ready i'll arrive there tomorrow at 2"
"wai-"  the person was soon cut off by proper ending the call.

peter soon started to move around and was up in two seconds when he saw he had fallen asleep on her lap.

"mom, i'm so so sorry you probably had to do things and i-i didn't mean to it just happened"
"hey, it's okay peter you're my son"
"i'm still sorry how long was i asleep?"
"it doesn't matter right now come on i'm taking you on a trip"

"bu-" before peter could even finish his sentence pepper was walking away. i mean what can she be up to ?. peter walked away to go grab his backpack that had a change of clothes and his suit.

as they entered the jet every possible thing was going through peters mind is she taking me to a lab, am i going to die, what's happening. he soon thought to just ask.

"pepper can you please explain to me where we're going."
"no, it's a surprise now head to sleep it's a long ride"

time skip to the jet landing at
Fairburn, Georgia

"wake up pete it's time to get off." peter didn't want to wake up but was slightly eager to know what she was hiding so he got up slowly. as they walked off the jet he realized where they landed. "pepper i don't wanna be here, i really don't wanna be here please take me back." peter broke down crying just looking at the cabin where his last father figure lived, where he was buried.

pepper looked at her kid in pity. she brought him up by his underarms and helped him walk towards the door and into the cabin. "mom it hurts" peters voice cracked the sobs and tears in the way of his sentence. "i know peter i know now come on you'll be happy"

they walked in and sat on the leather couch.peter was scared he didn't know what to expect or why was he in the place he dreaded the most.

"mom, can you tell me why we're here ?"
"just wait pete you'll see"

slowly the figure walked down the stairs.peter heard it and felt the presence of someone familiar but didn't act on it because his spidey sense didn't go off.

"turn around peter it's okay" peppers voice was soft and had a hint of excitement in it.
peter slowly moved his head around when he heard "hey kid did you miss me"

"Mr.Stark ? is that you please be you oh please!" tony's heart shattered hearing the kid he loved so dearly this broken over him. "to you it's dad now, come here it's me i'm alive you see i'm okay" peter ran towards his father figure devolving him in a hug that lasted minutes but felt like hours.

peter soon broke the hug "why did you hide?, why did you make me feel all these things just to be alive!" peter wanted to run away but stayed waiting for the answers. "i had to heal i didn't want you to see me like that, i'm sorry peter i wanted to see you but i wasn't ready"

peter soon processed what happened and went back to hug his dad just as tight as before afraid of losing his father. they spent all day and night talking or peter did all the talking and tony listened with a smile on his face. he knew at that moment he would never hide anything from peter again. peter was falling asleep but wanted to talk to tony, until he laid in his fathers lap and his father ran his fingers through his chocolate brown curls.

when pepper walked into the room she saw her two favorite boys laying there asleep looking so peaceful. she knew she had to take some pictures and she did. she walked out and whispered a goodnight to her boys.

923 words
hope you guys liked it :)
love y'all 🌙

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