Chapter 7: TALK

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Chapter 7


Jisoo and Taehyung stayed at the living room together with Jisoo's brothers.

Jiyong checking his phone, Yoongi laid his head on the backrest of the sofa, and Yedam reading a book.

"Jisoo." Jiyong said that made Jisoo a bit flustered "yeah~ oppa?"

"Mom will be discussing something to you, go to her office now." Jiyong said to Jisoo who is hesitant to leave Taehyung.

"Babe, let's go to mom." Jisoo told taehyung holding his hand to stand up, but Jiyong stopped her.

"It's a classified business topic. He should stay here."

Jisoo sighed as he looked at Taehyung. Taehyung smiled and grabbed Jisoo's hand as a sign of assurance. "I'll be okay."

Jisoo excused herself, "I'll be going." She went upstairs dragging her feet, hoping that Taehyung will be alright.

Once Jisoo was out of sight, Jiyong put down his phone and looked at Taehyung.

"So... Mr. Taehyung. I've heard that you're from the elite Kims." Jiyong calmly asked.

Yoongi and Yedam ears perked up. Yedam closed his book, while Yoongi opened his eyes.

Taehyung smiled in amazement, "I'm surprised you got that info. My parents hid my information to the public. You have a good source, and by the way you can just call me Taehyung."

"Taehyung? Alright, and thank you for the compliment. Does Jisoo know about it?"

"She knows, she met my parents few times." Taehyung explained proudly.

Jiyong sniggered, "meeting your parents? Tell me, How long have you been together with our sister?" He asked.

"We've been together for almost 3 weeks now, but we know each other for 6 years already." Taehyung answered calmly as he sat comfortably.

Yoongi's brows furrowed, "Three weeks?!!" he confirmed

Yedam buffered first trying to decipher the dates. "Wait, then it happened in Bali?" He assumed.

Jiyong glared at Taehyung and waited for his answer.

"Yeah, it happened during our last day." Taehyung smiled as he remembered that day. "Thanks to your fans, they became a stepping stone for us to be official." Taehyung continued.

The three looked puzzled at what he said. "Fans? What the heck you mean?" Yoongi asked in an annoyed voice

Taehyung told them what happened that day. The three listened quietly throughout. They did understand now.

"I hope you did not take the chance to score on our sister." Jiyong warned.

"I did not. I respect Jisoo." Taehyung explained.

"Honestly, we were skeptical about her having a boyfriend. We don't want her to get hurt because of a bastard or a fucking useless man. she doesn't deserve to cry." Jiyong frankly explained as he crossed his legs.

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