Chapter 42- Fight for once

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My blood was boiling after hearing the whole interaction, between the two females. Alex was a snake personified. But first I needed to talk to my friend and made her realize the gravity of the situation.

Hearing my knock Neel immediately opened the door, it seemed he would burst into tears at any moment. What all the mother-son duo needed to witness? Before gaining a small amount of normalcy in their life. I pulled him into a hug, he sobbed, "Aunt Annie, ma is crying she is not listening to me, not even looking at me."

I hugged him tightly, "Hey tiger, remember we are a team, you are not supposed to cry. We need to take care of mommy here. You watch your favorite cartoon, I will talk to ma."

After kissing his forehead and making him comfortable, I moved inside. Riya was crying, curled up in a fetal position.

"Riya kindly get up this is not the time to cry."

Her eyes were red and swollen, but more than that they were filled with despair. My heart broke at the sight, "I don't want to fight. I want to go back to India and put all this beside me."

I knew drilling sense into her was not going to be easy, "This means you are going to run away without putting a fight?"

She gave a hollow laugh, "What is left to fight?"

I pulled her up, "Don't act like a sissy, that woman is standing alone and fighting for you. She has chosen you over everything. Even when this choice is going to cost her business."

My last words pulled her out from her misery, "What do you mean by that?"

"Alex has mentioned clearly, choose her, or she is going to call for a board meeting, where she will ensure Sam is ousted from the business."

Riya got up from the bed, "I cannot let this happen, the business means everything to her. I have seen her passion, from scratch she has built it into a multinational. Let her go and get married to that Alex."

I cooled her down, "This choice is not ours to make. Sam will take a call on this. It is her life, but please honor her and fight with her. She is lonely, broken and no one is around to comfort her."

We heard a knock on the door, Sami walked in with a defeated expression and disheveled hair. My heart bled for these star crossed lovers.

I cleared my throat, "I am going to take Neel to my room, you both need to talk."

Riya nodded her head in agreement. God, let it work out between them.


The moment the door closed I pulled Sami in my arms, she cried her heart out. I had always seen her composed, seeing her in this state filled me with helplessness and rage. Alex, you were so dead.

I wiped her tears, "Ssh... we will sail through this. No one will snatch away your company."

She looked at me, "You already know that. I am left with no other option, but to let the company go."

I was breaking from inside, but Sami taught me love at times meant letting go. I took my call.

"No, you are not going to do any such thing. You are going to marry Alex and keep the company. It is your baby, you have built it to these heights."

Her eyes were laced with confusion and hurt, "I thought you love me, but I was so wrong. What I do with my life is none of your concern? I am done with you and all these hanging by a thread drama."

She turned around to leave, if I let her leave now she would never return back, "Don't you dare to leave like this. Can't you see she has left you with no other choice, but to marry her."

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