Therapy session recording 1
When did the nightmares start?
When i was about 9 years old.
What were they like?
It varied. But one thing kept showing up.
What was it?
A tree. The same tree. In every nightmare, dream. it was always there.
Do you remember the first nightmare?
Of course. Like it was Yesterday.
Tell me about it.
I was walking. Up this hill and all of the sudden, something started chasing me. At the top of the hill, was the tree.I ran to it, trying to escape whatever was chasing me. There was a boy there, under the tree. And he protected me.
What did the boy look like?
He had no face. He was taller than me. He wore all black. It took him. Whatever was chasing me, took him and bashed his brains in. right in front of me. I saw every detail. He was still alive. I watched him take his last breath and then the thing picked me up and—
I know this is hard to talk about. But you're doing great.
He picked me up and threw me. But i woke up right before i hit the ground.
Do you remember what the monster looks like?
Ha. I draw him all the time. He's eight foot. Lanky. Has claws. One eye. yellow sharp teeth. He's transparent. clear skin but you can see all of his organs and blood vessels. Below the waist is gray. like he wear shorts or something.
This is all the time we have today. you did so good today.