Quarter - 32

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Today is Handsome Tigers match with ZOO. Their second match in amateur league. Joy feels a lil bit uneasy since she knows how Su Inn's feeling towards her. After the confession yesterday, she found out that he put the same feelings towards her. But no need to mention with a lot of considerations. She could clearly remember their act towards one another after Su Inn hugged her.

It was awkward. Totally.



"Noona you okayy?" Seon Ho suddenly run to her and hug her arm.

"Yah, mwoya?" She calmly laugh over her dongsaeng.

"What mwoya, of course it's about Su Inn hyung." He blinked his eyes several times. Send some codes to Joy about what happened before. "you guys made up right?"

"We're not even fighting Seon Ho-ya. It's only missunderstanding," she flicked his forehead before ruffles his hair.

"So you're fine now right?"

Joy flips her hair and mouthed 'can you see I am shine?'

Seon Ho chuckled but his face become mellow in a snap which lead Joy to give him a 'why' stare.

"Actually noona, that night. On our last dinner set. Before Sungjae Hyung called Sang Yun Hyung, he texted me first. Asked me about where I was." He hesitant to continue his words.


"He asked about you, were you join the dinner or not," Unsure if he should said that to her but he decided to give it a shot. "Were you hanging out with Su Inn Hyung or not. And I told him the truth that you are not there with us. I thought that will stop him to do something stupid."

Seon Ho stopped a little. "But that was actually what he want. You were not around so he can approached Su Inn Hyung." He couldn't help but chukle and scowl at the same time.

"Yah Seon Ho-ya, gwenchana. It's fine. I made up with Su Inn Oppa and now we are great,"

"We're totally great," Joy feels a sudden hug from behind. She widen her eyes and find out Su Inn there, hug her and Seon Ho with his long arms.

"Yah oppa, you were eavesdropping us huh?"

"Me? No. I just arrived when I saw both of you talking in serious way."

"Hyung, you look so fine now. You were like a death fish few days ago." Seon Ho laughs when Su Inn mouthed 'shut up' to him.

"Joyyyy!" She turn her head around and saw Julien, Sang Yun and Ji Seok jogged to her. "You okay now?" Sang Yun put his arms around her and glanced to Su Inn.

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