Quarter - 36

321 17 4

"Handsome Tigers"

Seon Ho: hyungs, eodi gye shimnika?

Julie: we're at the lobby.

Ji Seok: I am on my way

Seon Ho: is Su Inn hyung already there?

Su Inn: oo, I am here with Julien hyung, Shorry hyung, Tae Soonie and Ji Hoonie

Seung Hyun: I am in front of the building already

Kyung Joon: I will catch up with you soon, guys

Shorry: we will wait for you, Kyung Joon-ah!

Su Inn: what's the matter Seon Ho-ya?

Seon Ho: I'll be there soon, hyung. I have something to tell you

Eun Woo: is it about that, Seon Ho-ya?

Su Inn: what is it about?

In Soo: I am here guys!

Seon Ho: just wait for me.


Su Inn crunched his eyebrow.

'What's the matter?'

"Su Inn-ah, what was that about?" Shorry asked him curiously.

Su Inn shrugged and pursed his lips. "I don't really know hyung." He briefly answered before he hear a familiar voice calling his name.

He saw Seon Ho jogged toward him and waved his hand a little too enthusiastically. When Seon Ho reached the place where Su Inn is, he tried to catch his breath and shivered a little.

"Yah, have a seat," Su Inn took some his stuff to give Seon Ho a space to sit.

"Thank you hyung." He pat Su Inn's shoulder and sat comfortably.

"What's happening with your chat earlier, Seon Ho-ya."

He glanced at Su Inn's face then leaned his body closer.

"Did you remember on the day when we had a game with ZOO? You drove Joy Noona home, right?"

Su Inn's heart skipped a beat. Was something bad happened? Was someone caught them when they went to his place? A lot of things came into his mind but he decided to nod.

"Sungjae Hyung saw both of you."

Su Inn puzzled by the sudden words from Seon Ho. It was pretty shocking his mind. Searching for courage in himself and asked briefly. "Where?"

"In front of court building,"

He gulped. Afraid that he might ended up messing up Joy's life and ruined their commitment. For some kind of reason, he could feel the darkness coiled around him. And guilt built up as he kept thinking about it.

"Actually he wanted to meet me at that time, but he accidentaly saw Joy Noona came inside your car hyung. I remember he was so upset. Eun Woo Hyung knew it too because he was with me that night." Seon Ho stared at him. "I will join in Sungjae Hyung's program after being from Sokcho as a guest star. Bet that he will ask me more about you and noona."

Su Inn smiled. He has no words to utter since he felt bad towards Joy for bringing another problem for her. No. He was scared that Sungjae might do something stupid again.

He kept quite and looked away when a sweet voice creeps into his ear and his teammates calling a name.

"Here we come uri Joy, Joy, Joy~" Tae Soon called her name and applaude. "Why are you so beautiful today?"

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