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Joy woke up due to her phone which kept on ringing and buzzing.

"Ugh.." She grunted and grabbed her phone. Tried to open her eyes and look at it.

'Uh, it is 10 a.m already?'

She blinked a few times to read the name that shown on her screen.

"Bae Joo-hyun"
is calling...

Joy jolted and rose from her sleep before finally answering her phone. The unfamiliar room around her makes her remember of what happened last night.

"Oo, eonni.."

"YAH! PARK SOOYOUNG! WHY YOU DON'T ANSWER YOUR PHONE?!" Irene's screaming made joy get up from the bed and stand tall. She looked like she was attending a military training.

"Sorry. I was oversplept."


"I am fine eonnie"

'Why on earth Irene Eonni asked am I fine or not?'

Joy felt something weird.

"I am at.." Joy trailed her words, not sure if is it fine to tell Irene.


Before she answered Irene's question, she heard the door swung open with a squeaky voice.

"What happened Joy?"

'I am dead'

"Huh? Who's that? I kinda familiar with that voice?"

Joy put her finger on her lips. Asked Su Inn to remain silent.

"Eonni, I'll tell you later okay? See you on set today, 3 pm, huh? Okay? Bye!"

"Yah! Park Soo—,"

She ended the call briefly.

"Hey what's happening?" Su Inn asked her with worried voice. He placed both his hand on her face. Put her face within reach of his gaze.

" You didn't tell your member? I tought you already told them?"

"Honestly, I only told Yeri. But I wish she deleted the chat already," She clicked her tongue before realize that Su Inn is staring at her just-woke-up-face closely now.

"Oppa!" She screamed.

"What?!" Su Inn put his hand down. Startled by Joy's voice.

"Ommo! I just woke up! Nooo!" She suddenly panicked. She hadn't reached her consciousness when Su Inn came in.

She glanced at him nervously. Should she make a quick dash to the bathroom to make sure that she was presentable?


She decided inside her mind. That would suspiciously make her look like she has diarrhea.

Her mind was in chaos when she heard Su Inn chukled over her reaction.

"Why are you laughing, oppa?" Joy stared at him desperately.

"Nothing, why are you so cute? Look all panic because I saw your bare face in the morning, huh?"

Joy nodded.

"That's a privilege,"

Joy pouted her lips when he said that. Then she realized that he already showered because of the smell of soap. She keep staring at his soft face then his lean body and long leg that wrapped in red short pants, until she noticed a potato in Su Inn's hand.

"What's with that potato oppa?"

"Ah this, I make you breakfast."


Joy keep looking outside the window. Enjoying every detail of the road she passed by. She exhaled softly before she turn her sight to a man beside her.

They are stopped at a red light. And she found Su Inn staring at her face.

"Why are you staring me like that?"

Joy is at a loss holding back her shyness.  Didn't know that Su Inn had been watching her.

"Nothing." He smiled thinly then drove the car back.

"You saw me daydreaming, huh?"

"Kind of," Su Inn chuckled. "But It's not long enough. Your face is interesting Joiya. Just go back enjoying the street,"


"So I can enjoying your face,"

Joy smiled.

"Watch me all you want oppa. It's free.."

She brought her sight back to the window and wish that this road is never end.


"You what?!!!" Irene shouted and glared to Joy.

"I was overslept at Su Inn Oppa's place." Joy bit her lips. Tried to find a make sense reason for her stay last night. "Our cast was having a party at his place, and I thought I was drunk so I overslept there."

"Huh? 'You thought' ?" Irene lost her words. "Manager Oppa is fuming. I said you stayed at Hayoung's place."

Irene massage her head while placing her butt on the couch.

"Aigoo, Sooyoung-ah."

"Sorry, eonni."

"Dwae-sso. Listen." Irene suddenly looked staright at Joy's eyes.

Joy gulped. She could't help but feeling all small and insignificant towards Irene's gaze.

"Actually I need to thank Su Inn-ssi for not bringing you back to the dorm last night." She hung her head low and stroked her face.


"Sungjae was here last night. All drunk. He was about to barge into our dorm and he was looking for you." Irene crossed her hands. "That was our —me and Manager Oppa's reason why we were so mad at you. We were afraid that Sungjae came to your set and dragged you with him."

"He came here last night!?"

Irene nodded. "He was so drunk and talking nonsense."

"Actually Sooyoung-ah.." Irene trailed her words and grabbed Joy's arm. "I'm a little worried about Moon Su Inn-ssi. Sungjae had raved about him last night. He said he will do something to him. And it would embarrass him."

Joy clenched her fist. She could sense something bad will happen.

'What is it all about?'

MOON RIVER ;; A MoonJoy Story Where stories live. Discover now