Chapter Twenty

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Being on break was so nice. It was even better than the weekend in my opinion. I could laze around as long as I wanted, sleep in, and if you didn't know already what the best part of break is, I'll tell you.

No homework! Well...I have homework but that can wait. Or maybe I could get rid of it...? No, Lance will get upset with me.

I sighed as my stomach grumbled, reminding me that I needed food. This calls for some bagel bites. I left my room and smiled to myself as I walked down the stairs.

I really loved being on break.

I walked into the kitchen which was empty and opened up the freezer only to freeze myself when I saw that the spot where my bagel bites usually are is vacant. Where are my bagel bites?

I know I didn't eat them all because Roman is always keeping track of how many I eat since he says they're unhealthy. I closed the freezer and opened the fridge door and when I didn't see them in there either, I frowned.

Someone ate my bagel bites.

"Ceres? You alright?" Ares asked when he walked into the kitchen, noticing that I was frowning. I closed the fridge door and crossed my arms.

"Someone ate my bagel bites" I said sourly.

"That's horrible, kiddo" Ares said after giving an audible gasp. I nodded. It truly was horrible.

I needed to find the culprit who did this wrongdoing so that I can get justice. I pointed at Ares who looked at me in confusion.

"You are now my partner. We're gonna find out who ate them" I said and Ares seemed to give a nervous chuckle to which I narrowed my eyes.

"It isn't that serious. We can always go out and-"

"Silence, partner. I'm the lead detective here, you just need to follow me" I said and Ares gave up on protesting but it didn't stop him from grumbling things under his breath.

"Why am I the partner?"

I headed off to my room to get the necessary items needed to conduct our investigation. My glasses, keychain flashlight, and a magnifying glass before heading over to Ares' room.

"Where do you think we should start?" I asked and Ares shrugged.

"You're the lead detective, follow your gut or whatever they do in the TV shows" Ares said and I frowned at him. Useless partner.

"My gut is not working right now. It's hungry" I said.

"Well, we can start with Max, I guess" he said and I nodded. The two of us walked over to Max's room and I knocked before waiting for an answer.

It sounded like Max was getting out of bed before the door opened and he looked at us. When his eyes landed on me, he raised a brow.

"What's with the get up? It isn't Halloween" he said referring to my formal clothes. I had to look professional while on duty after all. I shook my head at him before pushing up my glasses.

"We have some questions to ask you" I said before walking in and Ares followed behind me. I looked around the room for any signs that it could have been Max who ate my bagel bites. So far, there was nothing but a bunch of used and new canvases, paint pallets and brushes, and used clothes in the corner that was covered in paint.

"Sure come in" Max said sarcastically before walking over to us.

"This room is a mess, no wonder you found a rock in your shoe" Ares said and Max glared.

"I didn't invite you in here to talk about the state of my room. Matter of fact, I didn't invite you in at all" he said and Ares shrugged.

"What do you need? Hurry up and ask it then get the hell out" Max said turning to me. I held my magnifying glass up to Max's lips and he looked at me in confusion as I inspected the corner of his lips.

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