PART 2: Chapter Five

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It was around seven in the morning when Ceres walked through the door. She had felt much better after getting a full night's rest. It was surprising to her that she didn't have any nightmares when she was with Hayden but she didn't question it.

"Wow, you're not even gonna try to sneak in?" Ares said with a small laugh. He had taken to the couch the night before as he was watching a movie and had woken up at the sound of the door opening.

"Why should I?" Ceres asked with a confused look.

'No normal teen would come home after being out all night and not try to sneak in...only you' Ares thought.

Ceres figured she'd just explain what happened when she got home if anyone asked and that it would be alright. Ceres went upstairs so that she could take a quick shower and get ready for school but as soon as she reached the top of the stairs, she was met with the sight of an upset Lance.

"Morning..." Ceres muttered and Lance raised a brow.

"Where were you last night?" He asked and Ceres sighed.

"I was with Hayden. We didn't do anything" Ceres said quickly so as to avoid any unnecessary suspicions coming from her brother.

Lance gave a small sigh.

"As much as I want to be upset about that part, it isn't my main focus. You didn't say anything so naturally we were worried. Please at least text us if you're going to be out late" Lance said and Ceres gave him a smile.

"Sorry, I know I should have. I won't forget next time" Ceres said and Lance nodded.

"Good. I'm glad you understand, now hurry up and get ready. I'll drive you to school" Lance said.

Ceres hurried to get ready and once she was, she headed downstairs and out to Lance's car where he was waiting inside for her.

"Are you okay?" Lance asked as the two were on the way. Ceres nodded slowly at his question.

"I didn't have any nightmares. It was strange but I'm glad" Ceres said and Lance nodded.

He knew that the reason she didn't have any nightmares was most likely because she was with Hayden, someone she trusted very deeply. It's not as if she didn't trust her brothers but Lance knew that someday Ceres would find the right person that she'd feel much more comfortable with opening herself up to.

Lance did have to admit that he was kind of salty about it not being her own family but he couldn't help it if that's how she feels.

"Have a good day, be safe, and please remember to let one of us know if you have any plans" Lance said.

"Yes sir" Ceres said playfully and Lance let out a small laugh.

Ceres gave Lance a quick 'thank you for the ride' before getting out of the car and heading towards the school.

Once Lance made sure that Ceres had gone inside the school, he was about to drive off when he got a text message.

Kade: Your favorite brother is coming over later and I'm bringing your favorite nephew <3

Lance smirked at Kade's text. Didn't he know that Kai was his only nephew? Unless his brothers were hiding any kids from him...

Lance: I won't disagree to Kai being my favorite nephew but the favorite brother part...

Kade: Don't be like that!! It's okay to admit it every once in a while

Lance: Whatever makes you happy, see you later

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