Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Where is it...?" I heard someone mutter from in the kitchen and I wondered who it was until I saw the tiny feet in front of the fridge. Even though the freezer door was covering the upper half of the body, I could easily tell it was Ceres because of the green of her onesie.

The frog onesie was her favorite one and she often wore it.

"Honey, what are you looking for?" I asked and  I could sense that she stilled for a moment before peeking her head slightly from behind the freezer door, leaving only one eye visible as she looked at me.

"Nothing..." she muttered.

Ah...she's so cute when she's trying to hide something.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that she was looking for her bagel bites. Roman had thrown them out once realizing just how much she ate the unhealthy afternoon snack. He wanted to make sure she was eating properly but I don't think Ceres would take well to her bagel bites being thrown out.

"Hmm? Is that so? It's only nine in the morning, surely you wouldn't be looking for breakfast in the freezer?" I said and I heard a small sigh before Ceres moved from the freezer door and closed it.

"No..." she said as she kept her eyes averted from my knowing gaze.

"So what were you looking for then?" I said and once seeing the small smirk on my lips, Ceres gave another sigh before giving in.

"My bagel bites" she said.

"I'm sorry honey, but Roman tossed them" I said and I have to admit, the crestfallen look on Ceres' face made my heart clench but at the same time I couldn't but find the little pout on her face adorable.

"Why?" She asked as she looked at me with those sad green eyes. Upon seeing them, I had to resist the great urge to go to the store right now and buy her a lifetime's supply of bagel bites just so that the sadness in those eyes would vanish.

I knew that I had to play the health first role.

"Well, you do eat a lot of them and they're pretty unhealthy. He's just worried about you" I explained but that didn't seem to make Ceres happy and if anything the frown on her face etched further when hearing my reason.

"I do not..." she muttered and I internally squealed at the sour look on her face. Her pouty face was a rare sight but that just made it all the more adorable and there was only one thing going through my head.


Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cu-

"Ew...your face looks nasty" I snapped out of my daze when hearing Max's voice from behind me.

He was looking at me with his normal scowl and I tilted my head at him.

"Good morning, Maxi" I said ignoring his earlier insult and he just rose an eyebrow.

"What are you doing up so early?" He asked and I frowned. Was it really that strange to see me up at a decent hour?

"No particular reason. I could ask you the same, after all it's a weekend and you'd normally be passed out from staying up all night painting" I said and Max shook his head.

"Nah, didn't feel like it...what's with her face?" Max asked pointing at Ceres who was still standing next to me with her adorable little pout still on her face.

"Roman threw out her bagel bites and she isn't taking the break up well" I said and Max snorted.

"It's alright. We can put his books in the wrong order later. That'll really get him" Max said with a chuckle, and at Max's mentions of revenge Ceres just shook her head.

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