Chapter One : Assumptions

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The day had almost ended with a violent outburst of rain. Damping the entire war camp into viscous mud and the tents hardly left without temper. The soaked tents still housed the soldiers who bred inside. Although it had been merely four days since the war had started its prayer, they were already on the winning side and how could they not be, Prince Louis was fighting with them. The Omega Prince wasn't luck, he was the Old Testament walking in the flesh. He would drag the enemy to his knees by his hands and plunge his sword straight through his heart without flinching his eyebrow nevermind his wrist.

Which is precisely what happened this time as well or that's what Darryl assumed, Aldrin, however, had a complete difference in opinion.

"Al," her hand gently scraped through Aldrin's arm, as he moved around the tent. His gaze fell upon her and sighed with his question moving in, "Where is he?"

"He would be on the field and he will be returning," She assured, her voice harbouring a very intriguing certainty, "a war which can remain undefeated by Louis doesn't exist."

"Bold of you to assume-"

"-right of her to assume." A voice cracked through the tent.

Allowing the few ministers who stayed in the tent to sway away from his way, Louis walked in with the grace of a peacock and the ferocity of a lion. Elegance bathed in blood as she took her place within the Omega. His neck bore a fresh scar which was hastily wrapped with the torn fabric of his shirt. His sword dripping wet with the last few blemishes of blood remaining. Hair slicked back due to the rain.

"I killed him but the sludge was too intense to drag him here," Louis briefed with a very ardent smirk, his line of sight upon his brother. "But they would've found his body by now since the rain cleared up a while ago, you'll get your white flag soon."

"Told you he could've handled it alone," Darryl reasoned with a smile towards her Alpha. "You worry too much."

"I second that," Louis sided with his brother's mate and looked at the guard, "Please ask Tracey to get my bath ready and tell Yusef to check up on my neck after that."

The guard nodded his head in reverence and immediately took leave to perform his assigned duties. Louis stepped forward and dismissed the others, as Darryl handed him a warm towel.

"When you go up for negotiations ask those motherfuckers to spit out a twenty per cent of their taxes." He told the bonded pair before him.

Aldrin looked at his mate who rose an eyebrow at the Omega before her. "Why, love?"

Aldrin nodded and placed his hand on Louis' shoulder after running his back, the concern was evident, "Why? We settled on eight without the war and fifteen with it on the council."

"That bastard of a dickbag thought it was funny to straddle me and then subdue me," he shook his head and looked at his sword, "I ran my sword through his heart after cutting his legs off."

"Could've been a painful death but I was generous, I believe," Louis cracked his neck but yelped at the pain causing the two of them to immediately give away his attentions to him.

"Darryl, ask the guard to fetch Yusef now, we'll have him checked," He told her and she immediately adhered to the request.

Looking down at his brother, the Alpha smiled in generosity, "I'll make that tax cut twenty-five per cent."

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