Chapter Two : Achilles' Heel

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Chapter tags : Talk of attempted rape. It doesn't happen but it's there.

The headaches had started three weeks ago. The vomiting, a few days after it.

Four months had passed since the battle near River Aryan. After the declaration by the Alpha, Louis had rolled up his sleeve to see the claim of the Emperor. His word did not defy the truth, a sword had etched itself on his skin with the Alpha's name laced around it.

On returning to the war camp, the Omega was surprisingly quiet. He refused to talk and paid close attention to the entire interaction which he had with the Alpha the day before. Under scrutiny, he did remember reciting the Alpha's complete name during the dance and the pinch he felt while charging forward was probably the impression of his soulmark.

The information which fell before him infuriated Louis ceaselessly. What was the point of war if they were soulmates, it wouldn't yield a result. Louis was fond of war but not without a result, in the end, he wasn't keen to place his men over the threshold of death for his entertainment. After a meeting for the following day, the Omega allowed his fury to guide him through the wind.

On arriving at the rival camp, Louis declared that Harry could extend his territory till fucking River Aryan as the Omega had no intentions to spar with someone who thought the lives of his people were less in consequence to his own arrogance.

Their army had retreated to Marzia the following day without any explanation whatsoever.

Aldrin had been the most worried. Worried was placing his concern with a mild sedative. Giving away territory till River Aryan and storming down back to the capitol wasn't a response of something insignificant. His fury had been called upon and the Omega delivered it in the most vehement way possible.

Louis didn't talk about it and Aldrin wasn't the kind of man who would pester his younger brother for something he wasn't comfortable in sharing with.

Four months after the war, Louis finally cracked. He confessed to Darryl that he bore Harry's mark on his arm and the events which lead to the discovery. On learning the truth of it, Aldrin's fury was a raging dragon breathing fire. He was almost willing to go to war again for the hurt he was causing his brother. That was when Louis' health deteriorated. The loss of appetite and constant nausea was immensely evident. More the time which passed, more Louis' health worsened.

When the healers had been summoned in the afternoon, they gave their recommendations of medicines. As the three healers were making their way out, concerned as to why nothing was working effectively to heal the man, Louis called one of them out.

"Reus," his voice was deplorably frail voice sought the Omega out.

The blond retreated to the Omega's side and kneeled beside him. The man painfully rolled his sleeve up revealing his soulmark. His skin seemed marred with the ink instead of being beautified by its honour.

"Louis, I really love you and cherish you with reverence for your level-headedness," Louis was waiting for the conjunction to arrive, "but what the actual fuck?"

Turning towards Aldrin, he was swift to abandon propriety, "Aldrin, he is going to die," and turned back to the head healer, "Mischa, that's a soulmark, it's been four months and they haven't mated."

The Queen instantly looked at the Emperor and flicked her attention towards Louis, "You have a soulmark!?"

The healer sighed and looked at the King and shook her head in worry. "Your Highness, this is a matter of grave importance, Prince Louis can fall to death at any moment."

Aldrin's eyes didn't hesitate to show his concern. Darryl's arm was gripping her mate's, as her sigh carded through his coat. "Al, listen to me and write to Venusia, Please."

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