Stories From Long Ago

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Steve sat on his porch with a graphic pencil and a small notepad, using an old photo as inspiration. Gleeful shouts shocked him out of concentration, a burst of older feminine laughter drifted outside, prompting Steve to carry his supplies inside. He shut the door behind him and turned to face his family, rubbing the gold band he'd worn for several years, a matching one glinting in the kitchen's light, his wife, Peggy, held a glass of amber liquid.
"It's a bit early for drinking, isn't it pegs?"
"Hello darling, and no, it's early evening and those two are spending it with Angie and Clara" Steve walked over to her, setting his drawing face up on the marble countertop. After getting married, Steve and Peggy had moved into the country house Peggy owned, just outside the city. 3 months after they had finished moving in, Steve had managed to get Peggy pregnant, and for the next nine months, he endured a pregnant wife who served as a spy in the war.
Now, nearly six years later, there were two little children running around the house, born eleven months apart. The army had tried to get Steve back, to train recruits and such, they told him 'the kids are now the wife's responsibility' but Steve slammed the door in their face, insisting on being a present parent for his children. And of course, be a present husband for Peggy. Their two children, Abigail and James were two perfect mixes of their parents. Fair skin, freckled under the sun, strong brows and cinnamon blond hair, all tussled and frantic. James had a no shit attitude, with a sly humor that constantly had his mother scolding him in a refined British accent. Abigail was heroic, caring and stubborn with a boisterous laugh that shook the house.
His children were everything to him, every star in the sky could not compare (though they did love stargazing), every grain of sand on a beach. Everything. And for the whole of their lives, he had moved them away from his and Peggy's violent lives. Well, past lives. Abigail was on the cusp of five and James nearly four, still children who, unfortunately, were fascinated with Captain America and Agent Carter. But they were violent personas, fighting for the greater good but still doing devastating things, that the public covered up with glamorous praise.
Steve would do everything to make sure his kids would never end up like him, a public figure just because he fought against fellow soldiers. Though a troubling factor was both his kids showed abnormalities from a young age, something the two parents were warned would happen due to the serum and nature of Steve's body. But he loved them anyway. He was brought out of his thoughts when Abigail slammed into him, giggling and squealing when her father swung her into the air, away from James who was toddling after her. "How excited are my two heroes?" he asked, picking James up with his other arm, who gave a gurgle in response. They both laughed and Peggy kissed his (amazing) cheek, ushering the children down and out the door. They gathered on the porch Steve had been on minutes before. "Seems like Clara won't be here for a bit longer" Peggy stated, wrapped in Steve's embrace. "storwy?" James asked, peering up at Steve "Yeah dad" Abigail yelled.
Steve laughed and fell backward onto their couch pressed up against the back wall, with Peggy falling onto his laugh and James and Abigail clambered onto the super-soldier. "Well, which story this time?" Steve cooed and Peggy laughs "what about my request?" and the kids began to protest
"Mommy no!"
"It's our stories!"
"We haven't heard one in like, two days!" they complained, squabbling over which story they want to hear this time. "Falcon!"
"No, Black Widow!"
"No, Iron Man!"
"How about Captain America?" Peggy said, smiling up at Steve then down at the kids, their eyes sparkling. "Well okay, how about Mumma tells this one," he said and Peggy began her tale.
"This story is from long ago.....
I was watching him, a light sheen of sweat washed over his skin, along with many of the other high ranking officials here to see the effects of Project Rebirth. The doctor went on talking "-but the first step on the path of peace. We begin with a series of microinjections into the subject's major muscle groups-" I sat down, my uniform crisp, my hair impeccable and my signature red lipstick. Your father looked so nervous, so small. But if this worked, he would no longer be small or a simple soldier, no longer that boy from Brooklyn. I could only hope we didn't lose him.
"-Will cause immediate cellular change.  And then, to stimulate growth, the subject will be saturated with Vita-rays." Everyone below us was prepping, everyone one in this room was holding their breaths. "3......2.....1" the switch was pushed upwards and the tension tightened, my throat constricting in fear and hope, your father's face scrunched up in pain, letting out a groan and suddenly his eyes shot open. "Now Mr. Stark."  I watched Howard nod and pull another lever down. The metal 'bed' your father was sitting in rose up and the chamber doors closed. I had to swallow, lest my throat be so dry I couldn't breathe. My focus was only on his chamber, the glass fogged up and a faint yellow glow emitted from within-
A loud honk pulled the family from their story, a mass of red hair bounced as Clara, Angie's secret girlfriend, prance up their porch steps. Abigail slowly shimmied off her father's lap and pouted at Clara. "Finish story?" she asked, giving her parents puppy dog eyes. Steve struggled to say no, and Peggy saw that, so she lifted James up and led Abigail to Clara's car. She buckled them both in and each parent gave them a long kiss on the cheek. "When you get back from Angie's, we'll finish this story and maybe, just maybe if you're good-we'll tell you another one, okay?" the kids cheered and Steve let out a low laugh, kissing them both once again. The sun began to set and Clara and the kids drove off, both Peggy and Steve began to walk back inside the house, closing the door behind them.
"Well, the kids are gone..."
"Anything for dinner" Peggy laughed and swatted her husband on the arm "you just ate less than two hours ago!" she exclaimed. Steve gave her a playful look and she suddenly felt a spike of heat go through her. "I talked to Bucky, he should be meeting them up there, just in case anything goes wrong" Steve said and Peggy replied with "well don't tell Angie, she'll get very angry" and they both laughed. It dawned on them they were alone. In their house.
'Time alone' they both thought and smiled at each other. Now, don't get them wrong, they loved their kids but they also loved each other, and they hadn't had a lot of opportunities to show it. Between rescuing Bucky and moving in and having more than one child and then having to sort out the whole "time-sorta-traveling", I suppose you get the gist. Steve bent down and Peggy met him halfway, lip-locking for God-knows- how-long until the need to breathe separated them.
Within moments Steve found himself in their bedroom, simple and white with dashes of blue or red or green, lightly kissing his way around Peggy. They were going to take time, reliving the stories from long ago, but some of those stories have consequences. And those consequences may involve superpowers, the army, assassins, and another baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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