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Hi! Update again. I really don't have much to say cos I've been missing SK bit severely these days 55555..and watching Kit's live yesterday just made it worse. I can't wait for P'Sing ! As usual, Thanks dear Peraya and readers for dropping by, leave comments and upvoted ♡♡♡

Continue where I left.......Enjoy Reading!


"Give me ten reasons." He says, lips tight. "Give me ten GOOD reasons why I should date you."

Arthit became reflective.

"Firstly, I'm popular. If you date me, I can change their mind and make you the hottest nerd in our school." Kongphop shook his head, he doesn't sound like he was convinced.

"My parents are staying overseas, so you don't have to worry getting your ass kicked ever. Third, I'll take care of you when you're sick and protect you whenever you need me."

Kongphop looked amused, "No, you can't. You enjoyed torturing me, remember? And I don't want to feel like I owe you anything since-"

Arthit raises his hand, silencing him. "My next reason is, I'll pretend I didn't see you flirting with another girl or boys in school."

"I would never give you shit in front of your friends." He added and waited a few second before closing the gap between them, he nearly fall into Kongphop's arm but halted when the piercing gaze bore through him. Kongphop didn't look happy with his moves. Not at all. "You're wasting my time."

Kongphop had been counting times now, and he seemly eager to leave. Arthit cleared his throat. It's hard to know without broke upon the cold stare, and it hardly feels like a moment of gazing. Kongphop's expression was unchanged.

"I will love you unconditionally as long as I breathe." Kongphop stiffened and inched back.

The more Arthit spoke, the more ideas he has. His eyes lit up. "I'll let you push me in bed."

"I won't bite or leave hickeys on your body unless you want me to." Arthit said lowly. Kongphop's face turned bright red as he remembered their shared kiss. Although it was so short that Kongphop could barely recall their mild conversations in the club and the endless flirting, he had spent a week trying not to think about it. He hadn't been very successful at controlling his emotions even though he had bigger issues to concern himself with, aside from thinking about those luscious pink lips. Bad, this is bad Kongphop thought he must be crazy fool, lusting over Arthit.

"Lastly, I can offer you my first and that would be our hottest night together." Arthit paused, watching Kongphop avoided his gaze now. Sure enough the boy was uncomfortable. The intimate talk bringing a smile to his lips, "Oh, In case you're wondering, I'm still a virgin."

Kongphop wondered why Arthit fixated on these things. Why on earth Arthit hinted about his virginity?

"In other words, you're just trying to get into my pants." Kongphop retorted sarcastically. "That kiss was my stupid mistake. If you can't forget about it, then, it's your problem."

"That's was part of it too, don't you see?" Arthit was almost pleading, waiting, anticipating.

"Wait- you only give me nine. I need my ten."

"I'm keeping one in reserve."

"Oh." Kongphop seemed stunned, caught out, like unprepared debater suddenly asked to present his rebuttal. Aim's words came back to him, "I was not expecting the kiss! What kind of spell did you put on him? We always sort of assumed he is frigid." Kongphop grew uneasy as he could not believe that Arthit had fallen in love with him, the affirmed knowledge that Arthit loved him. Was Arthit trying to prove something? Either way, Kongphop was unsettled.

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