Chapter 1: Krisha

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   Taylor Swift's 'Bad blood' was blasting on my music player. I was walking towards my school with earphones on, wearing a white tight tee and black jeans. It was start of new semester, month of November. I sighed thinking about winter. I hate winter.

    I quickly increased my pace inorder to reach school before 9:30. Don't get me wrong, I am not at all interested in lectures or anything but my bestfriend's lecture start at 9:30 and I am dying to meet her.

     I could see the cars running ahead of me. Wish I had a car. School was still far away from me whereas I only have 20minutes in my hand. Asking for lift won't hurt at time like this. Few cars passed-by without even glancing at me. I frown and muttered few curses towards them. Humanity is hard to find in today's world.

      I soon saw a fancy sport's car rushing in my way. It had sexy red color with four entertwined circles. Ah! Audi. I quickly pulled my dazzling smile and tried to show 'Lift' hand sign. The car passed-by without even giving me mere attention.

Bloody cool!

     As I was looking for another car to come, I heard a roaring engine of car from near. I turned back and saw the same sexy audi stopping a little away from me. I quickly went towards the car and saw the windows being pulled down.

'Quintessential' aka Perfect was the first word that I thought. And no, I am not talking about the car but the person driving it.

A girl was in driver's seat wearing a sexy red crop top and black skinny jeans. Her tonned stomach made me drool making it hard to look away. I heard someone clear their throat and I instantly looked up at her goddess face. Dammit, angels do exist in today's world.

"Argh, I'm currently stuck here and I really need to reach Rustwood Highschool in less than 15minutes. Will you please give me a lift till there? Its on the same route." I tried my best to drip as much as sexiness possible into the sentence.

I am a lesbian. Thought of warning you before you enter into my story.

"Well, how will I know that you are really in need and not faking it?" She was the one faking innocence now. I never knew that a simple sentence will make me feel dizzy. Fuck! And that smirk. I didn't thought that two can play the game. I grinned at her while she dazzaled a simple smile showing off her dimples.

"Trust me." I uttered those words involuntarily. Maybe her eyes spell a magic on me. Her light brown eyes!

   Our moment was interrupted by loud noise of horn. I groaned and lifted my head up to glare at the stupid car.

"Get in fast." I nodded and got inside the passenger's seat. It was like her each and every word have control on me.

  Her car smelled like some perfume whose flavour I couldn't put finger on plus the warmth in the car made me forget about the winter.

Umm. Maybe it is vanilla flavoured.

Soon she started the car and trust me it felt as if I am sitting comfortably on a coach. She was driving that swiftly and the car. It was heaven. I didn't even realised that I was gwaking at the car in awe. It was my first time sitting in such luxurious car.

"I guess this time its my car that caught somone's attention!" She said with a playful smile. I couldn't help but grin in response.

"Definately not, according to me you add more glory to the car. Well, not everyday you meet some gorgeous girl with sexy audi, who gives you a lift. The car is just a bonus."

The words slipped out while I was looking all around the car. I wasn't even playing attention to what I was saying until I heard her chuckle.

"You must be a smooth-talker. Am I right or I am right?" She had cute smile on her face.

"Damn, you found out my secret!" I winked at her. Soon we fell into comfortable silence. She wasn't quite a talker but I don't mind. It gave me more time to focus on her. She was cute as well as sexy. Plus her outgoing personality was cherry on top. Never knew people like her do exist.

  Unfortunately we soon reached my school. I turned to her and spoke with heavy heart, "My stop is here. Well, thank you so much for giving me lift. And yah don't go on giving lifts, you may never know whether the person is clear or no." I teased her a bit and got out of car. She chuckled and muttered a goodbye while I ran towards my school.


   The bell rang as soon as I stepped into the hallway. I am on time! I quickly went towards Ahana's locker and stood nearby it. Though I was physically present, but my mind was drifting back to the crop-top girl.

The hallways filled soon with jocks, cheerleaders, nerds and geeks; aka jerkass, barbie, bookworm and generals. There were many more groups but I don't remember them neither I care. Everyone here was a nutshell, including the nerds.

   I cringed when I heard the barbies squeal near the corner about some big weekend party. The jerkass were eye-rapping those barbies and passing vulgar comments; whereas the bookworms were getting more books outta there lockers & finally the generals, they were talking about their new obssesions while walking towards canteen.

   Same old stupid peeps with their stupid talks! I pulled out my cellphone and started playing game inorder to ignore the surrounding. I was so engrossed in passing the level that I didn't even notice Ahana.

She was standing besides me trying to peep in my cellphone over my shoulder. I leaned forward and gave a kiss on her cheek. She moved back and smiled at me muttering a quick 'hello'.

"I didn't see you coming. You should have acknowledged your presence." I said with a small smile while shoving the cellphone back in my pocket.

"You were playing an interesting level plus I was busy watching the game too. Anyways, how long have you been standing here? I wasn't too late right?" She was now replacing her books for next lecture.

"Not at all. I just arrived two minutes ago." I said while helping her with her books.

She looked over me and gave a small smile of gratitude showing off her right cheek's dimple.

Girls and their dimples!


Happy New Year!

Official First Chapter of this book. Hope you all enjoyed it. I actually wrote few chapters way back but deleted them since they weren't well-written. Now I have to start all over again. Though that's not a problem. I just want to enjoy this story. And I hope you all will co-operate somehow.

Anyways, do vote if you like it. I am open to any kind of views and ideas. If you find any mistake may it be grammatical or spelling, do tell me.
Also I am a amateur writter so you will find many jumbling of words and wrong tenses.
I am worst with tenses! Just a warning. :)

I wish you all will have a great year ahead.

Thank you!

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