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I open the door of the room I probably never should be in for too long, my only reason for being here should be to pick up a servant.

When I open the door several heads turn to me and quickly look at everything but my eyes. I mentally roll my eyes and close the door behind me. Again their eyes are filled with shock and fear.

'Is Owen here?'
'No he's with Judy,' a woman answers. 'And his sister?'

She moves out of the way and I see a little girl trembling.

I move towards her and duck down.

'Roxy?' I grab her hand and she looks at me, 'are you okay? What happened?'
'Th.. there was a guy I didn't know or even saw before and he.. he just grabbed me and,' she holds her mouth shut. 'He fed from you,' I state when I notice the mark in her neck.

She nods.

She moves back from me and lets go of my hand out of nowhere.

'What's wrong?' I whisper.
'Your eyes.. they're black.'

I blink a few times.

'Are they fine now?'

She nods.

'Sorry for that and I'm so sorry I can't do anything to help you. Like I told your brother all you can do is hold on,' I take a quick breath, 'and if you have any questions or there's something on your mind or even when you're scared.. you can always come to me if I'm here.'

Suddenly I feel her tiny arms wrapped around me and quiet sobs leaving her body.

'Shh,' I place my hand on the back of her head, 'it's okay.' 'Thank you.'

Seeing her smile makes my heartbeat rise through the roof.

'I'm sorry to ask but.. why are you here?' The woman from earlier asks.
'Oh right, I had some questions,' I murmur and stand up.
'I need to know everything there is to know about servants, because I don't know a thing about it and suddenly I have my own.'

Luckily the woman explains everything without asking any questions.

'Oh and mister Wood,' I turn around.. I was just about to leave,' thank you for being so kind to my children.

I send her a smile and walk away. I had a feeling she was their mother but it had been confirmed now.

On my way back to my room someone walk into me.

'Sorry.. sorry..so,' the person looks up, 'oh hi Ted.'

I shake my head.

'Try to be less clumsy it could get you killed.'
'Not when I bump into you, sorry I got to run.. I don't want to see Judy mad.' 'Bye,' I respond confused because he's gone.

When I get back to my room I quietly open the door and I don't think they heard me at all.

'All I know it that they locked him up, almost killed him and he torn down the city,' I hear her say.
'Torn down the city?' I ask confused.

Her face shows she's shocked by the fact I'm here.

'Laura, why do you think that?'

Excuse you? Laura? He knows her name. I'm gone for a few minutes and he knows her name. Why isn't he scary.. why do I need to be the scary one?

'It's what the man who kept us there told us.' 'What did he tell you?' I ask hiding my anger.

She tells everything.. where she has the courage from? I don't know.
She was scared to speak but now everything comes out.

'Teddy,' I feel how Josh pulls me back, 'calm down.'
'How do you know I'm,' I shake my head, 'I'm going to get him fired.'
'Ted you can't just do that! People will start something against you if you keep firing people without an explanation.'
'They're against me Josh! We've worked so hard for this, I'm not letting someone like him ruin that for me!' I yell back.
'Are you even listing to yourself! You're the biggest sign of peace in this world and you're the one taking away freedom? Are you fucking kidding me!'

I sigh loudly and start moving my head from left to right.. to left.. up.. down.. left..

'Ted what are you doing?'
'I'm trying to contain myself,' I answer.

He places his hands on my hips and moves us to the other side of the room.

He roughly pushes me against the wall and pins his hands next to my head locking me in place.

'Teddy I'm serious, calm down.'
'You actually hurt me.. a lot,' I reply trying to ignore the pain in my back.
'Aw.. you want a kiss on it? Would that help.' 'You're an asshole.' 'I know.'

Our lips meet and soon his hands move towards my back, rubbing his hands up and down.

'Now stop being so angry, it's not good for your heart.'
'My eyes were black, right?'

He nods and lets me go.

I just stand there, frozen in thoughts. He calmed me down.. he calmed me down with him being a dick.

'Ted?' He laughs, 'are you coming?' 'Right.'

I walk towards him and suddenly my eyes meet hers again.. she saw everything, she saw me getting truly mad.. she saw how he calmed me. She saw everything.. she heard everything.

'Euh right so, you'll be told everything in the servants room. Pay attention to it and you'll be fine. I will bring you there once you're ready. As for clothes,' I turn to Josh, 'royal servants can wear whatever we want them to. So,' I turn back to Laura, 'what would you like.'
'Whatever you want me to w..' I cut her off. 'What do you want to wear.'
'I like sweaters.. everything that isn't revealing basically.'

I laugh.

'Alright, give me your measurements and I'll go and buy you stuff tomorrow.'
'You don't have to..' 'I will.'


'So.. we're finally alone now,' an elf who I love who's pinning me down on the bed states seductively.

'What were you planning on doing?' 'Well I would start with leaving a trail of purple marks from top to bottom.'
'Going slowly for once? I chuckle, 'but Joshua.. everyone would see that.. I would get laughed at.' 'So? I wear your bite marks with pride.' I tuck a few hairs that escaped his hairstyle behind his ears.

'I'm too tired Josh,' I finally admit.
'It's fine, I understand. Go to sleep darling.' I raise my eyebrows at him.
'So I'm darling now?'
'I tend to change nicknames now and then.'

I trace his abs as I stare at the ceiling.

'Teddy.. I thought you were tired.'
'I am.. I just can't fall asleep. I hoped tracing your lines would work.'
'Is it?' He asks trying to hide a laugh.

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